[h2][color=39b54a][center]Gabri[color=fff200]ella Go[/color]nzales Re[color=fff200]pulsa L[/color]ibre[/center][/color][/h2] [hr] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Tenma Tendo][@Heartfillia] Melissa had given her permission to keep the drink, so Gabby proceeded to take another swig of it. After gulping it down, she jerked her head back while grunting, pretending like she'd been punched in the face - even though she was acclimating to the taste, the tanginess was still a strong jab to the taste buds. Reacting to it in that manner was quicker than scrunching up her face every time, and frankly, was more amusing to her. She liked to do it with other strong drinks she'd ingest during workouts, too, it was fun, even the weird looks she got from other gym-goers. Kerianne, Freya, and Momo proceeded to give her their reassurances after her outburst. She was sure their words would be plenty uplifting had she not already been on the energy high Melissa's drink was giving her. She returned a smile to all three of them, nodding in agreement. Momo, in particular, she wanted to respond to. [color=39b54a]""Worth it" is not nearly strong enough of a phrase to describe how I feel about last week,"[/color] Gabby said, bending her knees to lower herself so she could pull Momo in for a brief one-armed hug. As she rose back up, Renard jumped in with a quip about not needing energy drinks because of licking live wires, earning him a smile from Gabby as the mental image played out in her head. [color=39b54a]"Licking live wires, eh? Gabby will be sure to try that sometime. Thank you for advice."[/color] She reached over and gave Renard a nudge on the shoulder, wearing a smile that she hoped conveyed her sarcasm better than her stilted English did. After that, another thought occurred to her, and she turned her gaze back to Momo. [color=39b54a]"Speaking of, should I come by tonight to help you practice Jeice's poses some more? You said Alex told you she would not have much free time over the weekend, correct? So we have to be ready by Friday or we will have to wait until next week."[/color] Before Momo could get her answer in, Chisato approached, expressing interest in her interest. Gabby took the straw out of her drink and placed it in Chi's outstretched hand, assuming he wanted it back since it had been his to begin with. As she thought about how to answer, she took another sip of it, punctuated by another grunt while she jerked her head backward. When she pulled her head forward to gaze down at the shorter Chi, her eyes were wide and shone despite the shadow cast over her face by tilting her head downward. [color=39b54a]"...Nostalgia dictates that my answer be Dragon Ball Zed. I grew up watching it, and I was happy to find out that the Intertrack dub is fairly popular even among English-speakers for its performances and accuracy to the original Japanese. Though, if I had to go with my most recent favourite, I would choose Encyclopedia Encyclopedium-- it's kind of like Zatch Bell crossed with Inkheart, with a touch of Danganronpa with how each character has a specific subject's text book. The protagonist is a cynical guy who has the Encyclopedium of Marine Life who is out to destroy all the books because he does not believe humans will not misuse their power. The animation is like Trigger's in it's prime; stylized with low detail to make lots of motion easier, and the way they use that to animate both the creative fights and the subtle looks of the protagonist's eyes peeking out over his book to give you an idea of what he's thinking is so much fun. You should watch it if you are not."[/color]