[hr][hr][center][h1][color=Purple]Waverley Watts - Feedback[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4ef9f918a1b306d5905282e8ac3965aa/tumblr_psj7zdw6wI1rptfs5o1_400.gifv[/img][hr] [color=Purple][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mutant Underground HQ [color=Purple][b]Skills: [/b][/color]Pop Culture Knowledge[/center][hr][hr] Waverley watched with eyes that were both relieved and ashamed as the rest of the Mutant Underground left, their portals closing behind them. And then, it was silent. Waverley was by herself, left with only the company of her own breath and the distant scurrying of rats somewhere in the base. She let out a heavy sigh as she turned around, preparing to head back to her room to...well, she wasn't actually sure what she'd do. But before she could start up the stairs, a new sound entered the base, an unnatural rushing of wind. Waverley whipped her head around in alarm, looking for any signs of intrusion. Instead what she saw, for only a split second, was a silver blur speeding throughout the complex. She raised her rebar defensively in front of her, preparing herself for whatever was to come. Whatever it was came barreling towards her, and her body tensed up, bracing herself. Then it stopped, revealing a silver-haired man, young-looking despite the pigmentation of his locks. Given this peculiar trait as well as his overall fashion sense, it didn't take long for Waverley to identify him. She lowered her rebar, eyes wide with surprise, with her eyebrows scrunched together. [color=purple]"Uh...yeah, you just missed her. She and the others are out on a mission."[/color] She said, her voice shaky, unsure what to do as the famous hero held out a Hostess treat for her. She felt like one of those kids in those commercials where the renowned athlete gets on one knee and gives the kid some sort of treat. Those existed, right? Waverley couldn't seem to figure out if they were actually a thing, or if her panicking brain pulled it out of thin air. Needless to say, she took the Twinkie, though she wasn't particularly hungry, so she simply held it and let her arm swing limply to her side. After a few seconds she managed to gather herself enough to continue. [color=purple]"You're Quicksilver. You're a member of the X-Men. You're dating-"[/color] Instead of finishing her sentence, Waverley instead just straightened her somewhat slouching form up, eyes, now even wider, darting away from Quicksilver and around the room. Was [i]she[/i] there? The logical part of her brain was telling her that there was no reason that she would be there. Just because the two were a couple didn't mean that they went everywhere together. But the rest of her brain was kicked up into overdrive at the possibility, however slight, that she might meet her biggest celebrity crush, right above young Joan Jett - [i]THE[/i] Guinevere Stark. The woman who she had a poster of taped to the wall, the woman who had inspired her to buy a $20 t-shirt emblazoned with the words [i]Future Stark[/i] originally meant for fanatics of her father, the woman who had been the lock screen for Waverley's phone for her entire senior year. It was enough to keep Waverley from completely processing Quicksilver's words for a solid fifteen seconds, before her eyes shot back to him. [color=purple]"Wait, you said Xavier is coming here. You mean Professor Xavier? Of the X-Men? He's coming [i]here[/i]?!"[/color] Waverley asked, her voice filled with disbelief. Everything had been weird and twisted since she joined the Underground, but this was a whole new kettle of fish. For once, the surprises coming her way weren't awful. If she weren't so frozen by shock, she'd smile. [color=purple]"Why would he do that?"[/color]