Winter sighed, doodling in her journal. She was in the corner of the room after school with a few other students, all of which had bullied her love Riley. Suddenly someone caught her attention, "Hey! Winter! Get your butt over here!" She closed her journal and got up walking over to the group. "What is it you bullies want?" Winter asked annoyed. One of the girls spoke up, "We want you to play the Riley's Curse game!" Winter glared before asking, "Why should I? You want me to disrespect Riley?" Another girl chimed in, "We figured you should do it since no one will miss you if you died to Riley's Curse." Winter looked down before getting annoyed, "Alright fine! I'll do it! Just to get you all to shut up!" Winter stomped last the group and went up to the roof. She trembled but before she could even speak she heard Riley's voice, "Kill them, Winter.... they hurt me.... I want to drag them to hell where they belong." Winter trembled as she felt herself drawn to a certain bench in the roof. She went over to it and looked under it. Under the bench was a knife, stained with Riley's blood. Her hands went cold as she grabbed it. Winter put it in her bag before heading back downstairs where the group was. When she got back to the room they all seemed surprised she was even back. The girl who told her to do it immediately asked, "Did anything happen?" Winter shook her her before going back to the corner she was sitting in. Then she heard some guys start to tease Riley, calling him weak for not shoving her off the roof. Winter held her head in pain as Riley kept repeating for her to kill them. The girl who told Winter that she wouldn't be missed asked Winter, "Hey are you okay?" Winter grabbed the already stained knife from her bag before following Riley's command and killing all of them. Best part of all to her was their screams of pain and the fact she felt no remorse. She knew what she really was with her love's guidance... She knew she was a psychopathic monster and it was going to be fun.