"You want me to watch her...? Well... Er... Okay then." Aidan left not a second afterwards, leaving Tora alone with Jocelyn in her little trance. Well he supposed that was ideal, he could get a better look at precisely what she was doing now. After making certain that her brother had gone downstairs he walked over to the bed, peering down at the paper that she was scrawling on to get a peek. It took a few moments for any coherent figure to take shape, but once discernible features were drawn it instantly dawned on him just who she was drawing. There was absolutely no way that she could possibly know who that was, that confirmed this was a vision. How interesting though that she'd be drawing Eslaria of all people. With a faintly impressed smirk he continued to watch her draw, amazed at how detailed and exact the illustration was turning out to be. Definitely the Queen, no doubt about it. Why exactly she was drawing that woman in particular he couldn't say, the nature of this ability was lost to him. There had to be more of these drawings somewhere in her room, he could potentially piece them together and get some idea of what her visions could mean. Of course without exact knowledge of this ability he'd only be able to make a guess at best. Tora glanced around the room, trying to decide just where on Earth the Princess might keep a bunch of sketches. There was a desk, that seemed to be a probable place. Since Jocelyn was still in her trance he doubted she'd mind terribly if he went and took a peek. Before he could even get his hand on the knob to the topmost drawer he heard the Princess' voice, but not in the way he'd expect. It sounded like she was inside his mind, echoing like a thought would. Interesting... So she had telepathy too? That he sincerely doubted she was aware of, probably not even knowing she was speaking to him right now. Shutting the drawer again he turned back to Jocelyn, smiling at her amused. "Believe me... I'd take a picture if I could," Tora mumbled, chuckling faintly before shaking his head. She couldn't possibly know he was staring, or what had been going through his mind for that matter. If she did she'd be screaming at him telepathically, that was a certain. Among the things he could spend his evening doing staring at Jocelyn all night was... Definitely not among the worst. One final thought would come from Jocelyn before she went silent, and it was a curious one. Is that what she thought, that he might have a crush on her? Really? Going back to the bed he carefully took a seat in front of her, folding one leg over the other as he simply watched her draw for a moment. A crush on the Princess, huh? She was a beautiful girl, that much he wouldn't deny. She was fun too in her own right, the arguing and snappy comments proved rightfully entertaining. In the entire day at school she had been the only girl he wasn't utterly repulsed by, and admittedly looked forward to seeing her again. Jocelyn had somehow made what would otherwise be a painfully boring task fun, and now he was fairly content to continue. Not that he would ever act like he was excited to see her each time, it'd ruin this little bout that they had going on and ruin the fun of it all. "Stupid girl... Even if I did have a crush it wouldn't matter..." Tora whispered, lifting a hand and gently stroking Jocelyn's hair back. With a bitter smile he then brushed the back of his fingers down along her face, tracing along her cheeks to her chin where he finally cupped it. "We can't be together, it's as simple as that. All the love and other gooey crap in the world would never change that fact..." That was the way things worked back home. There were distinct social classes and ranks, and certain groups did not mingle with others. Even being part of Oracion and essentially being the royal guard he wasn't allowed to be anything more than friends with royalty, and even that might be a stretch. Friendly terms was usually as far as things went, even between children of the same age group. So really it didn't matter that he thought Jocelyn was beautiful, or even if he did hypothetically have a crush on her. At the end of the day it was a moot point. "I'll keep you safe, that's all. But all I'll ever be to you is just another guy," Tora added bitterly, getting up off the bed and taking his hand from Jocelyn's face. Shaking his head he scowled, getting annoyed at himself for even getting into this mindset. Where in the hell did he get off even musing over a relationship with the Princess? He was trained better than that, even his insubordinate self knew it was strictly prohibited. He had to pull his head out of his ass and focus, not daydream over the impossible. Since the Princess was still well in her trance he opted to remain in her room, not comfortable with leaving her alone while so vulnerable. Going back to her desk then he grabbed the chair, moving it to the far wall and dropping down into it, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. Tora would wait as long as he had to for her to get through it, and take whatever flak came his way afterwards. And so would begin his illustrious career as Jocelyn's chaperone.