[center][b][color=FF0000][sup][h1]R E N E B E L M O N T[/h1][/sup][/color][/b][/center] [COLOR=FF0000][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]Special Zone, 2021[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][sup][color=darkgray]WareHouse District, 9:07pm[/color][/sup][/INDENT][/INDENT] That's what Rene enjoyed about Audrielle, she was always up for an adventure. It was refreshing to see, even if there wasn’t much she could do to put it into practice. The majority vote of the council and the Lady’s caretakers had seen to that. So much of her freedom had been stifled over the years. Tonight Rene would use that to his advantage. He had to if he was to bypass the resistance at this table. His words prior had placed an air of caution around the room. That was good. Rene did not like easy pray. He continued to keep his face trained from his usual lazy or amused front he wore. It was paramount that no one figured out his motivation. “Such hostility...and we have barely even begun.” The vampire sat back in his chair, crossing his fingers over one another. The game was indeed a foot and the next move was his own. “I guess I could put some of you at ease.” Rene circled his indifferent gaze between Louis, Aida and Simon. He had never approved of keeping crucial details of Audrielle’s past from her. The joint efforts over the years hadn’t done much to awaken the girl. Audrielle’s power nor her memory were at its fullest potential. Rene both appreciated and blamed such caution on the group before him. Aida’s concern and genuine care for the girl blinded her to what needed to be done. Louis was an enigma. He clearly took his role as caretaker seriously, but his motivations. Rene had yet to gain a clear perspective on what that was. Nevertheless his actions as well hadn’t done much to improve the Lady’s Eve’s gap in memory. Then there was Simon, his role in the status quo had been the most unforgivable in Rene’s opinion. Out of the trio Simon was the only one who knew what it meant to be a source of blood. That without her powers, let alone some of her memories Audrielle would never be whole. So for him to vote in favor of the young source blood caretakers, that certain [i]details[/i] never reach Audrielle’s ears. Well Rene just could not abide that. So he cared not if certain interested parties were a bit on edge with the subject of conversation. “However I will not.” Rene smiled, but his eyes were completely sober. “Instead I will get down to the business of why we are here.” Simon shifted across the table. Rene ignored him as he directed his gaze back to Audrielle. There wasn’t anyway he was going to allow the source blood to derail this discussion. “To answer your question Lady Eve” He used her title as he continued. “I believe it's time you had a guardian.” The table went silent at his words, but it was Simon who recovered first. “I hardly think that is necessary Rene.” Simon looked at his equal across the table. He could not figure out what Rene’s angle in all this was. Yes it was certainly well within Audrielle’s right to have one. She was a source and without her powers it would be beneficial to such protection. What Simon did not like nor could perceive at the moment how this benefited his rival. It was something he intended to find out as soon as he contained this situation. Rene meanwhile at the other end of this mental sparing had anticipated Simon’s resistance as well as a few other elements. That’s where Audrielle came in. Such a prospect of choice had to be appealing to the young vampire. A guardian had many benefits to a source blood. The most paramount being freedom. Rene was certain that was something that definitely would hold some charm to Audrielle. It was that detail that he held in belief that would propel the young lady to override her caretakers and vote with him. “I don’t see any reason why she should not Simon.” Rene replied to the elder source blood. “Audrielle is of age and mature enough to make a selection on her own.” He looked around the table, daring an objection. There were a few counter arguments that could be made. Unfortunately most of them involved insulting the younger source blood. Simon was many things but not a fool and the others here dared not ruin alliances. Which left Audrielle’s caretakers as the next form of resistance. Rene looked to Aida and Louis neurtally. “Unless...you two have any concerns?”