[center][h2] Salazar Greshh[/h2][/center] I look over my shoulder at the Jedi robe tied there. “Then this was hers.” I carefully hand Val back to his mother before continuing. “I will honor Satele’s legacy then, and see that she did not give her life for nothing.” [center][h2] Becca Twilight[/h2][/center] “She kept saying there was a reason you needed to be brought back. I’m interested to see what that purpose might be. [center][h2] Salazar Greshh[/h2][/center] “As am I. Something to do with helping stop Trayus for good, I imagine... and making up for at least some of my many mistakes.” I give Becca concerned look. “Is Hayden... When they betrayed me on Boz Pity, did she escape?” [center][h2] Becca Twilight[/h2][/center] “She is alive, though she is far from here. When Sucal took flight from Coruscant, she went after him and they both disappeared into a wall of flame. I did not sense her passing, so she has likely gone wherever Sucal has fled to.” [center][h2] Salazar Greshh[/h2][/center] “I will help you find her. She was the best apprentice I have ever trained, and her powers are exactly what Trayus needs to make his goals a reality.” I put an arm around Vette. “I have already lost one of my children, perhaps both. I would do everything in my power to spare you that pain. We WILL get her back.” [center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie[/h2][/center] “But we don’t even know where she is. Until we can learn more, there is nothing we can do. We should focus first on stopping Sucal. He will in turn lead us to her.”