[centre] [IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/28vvpzk.png[/IMG] [/centre] With her hand on her back, the pain still lingering in her lower back, she shook her head. The slight pained expression on her face was easy to place. “No-No, it fine.” She hushed with a slight hiss from the pain. She took in a deep breath closing her eyes for a moment before the fluttered open as she looked up at him. “I’m easily startled.” She laughed nervously as she finally pushed up to stand. She let out another small sigh as her gaze left his, her focus more on her back then on him. There was enough light yet she didn’t take her full attention from him. She could easily see him from the corner of her eyes. She lifted her shirt up to check the mark, she was pretty sure there would be a discolouring but she just wanted to double check for blood. Lucky her, no broken skin. When she started to peek up at her guest she could see, him blushing in the dim light as he looked away. Carla quickly dropped her shirt having not really thought things through before blushing slightly herself and not letting their eyes met again. His shyness may have won a little bit of Carla for the moment, but she still had her tall walls up. It was then that she thought that maybe she had become a victim to some sick dear and looked around slightly worried. Her eyebrows pinching closely together, a small frown on her lips before she sighed and shook her head just slightly to herself. She finally glanced up at the boy before her again, to see him still so happy. She couldn’t help but scowl a little at the boy. Carla didn’t understand happy people. But then again the only time she felt really happy was when her brother was around. He was her best and only friend. She asked if had any money, feeling slightly embarrassed by it all, she watched him with a slight blush look through his pocket to have them totally empty. That was weird. Her blush faded as she eyed his hands a little. He would have at least a wallet or keys, even some loose change to get home. She bite her lower lip in a slight paranoia. She told herself not to freak out. She couldn’t freak out on everyone. Her one hand gripped the money in her hand a little tighter. She took in another deep breath before letting it out slowly. She could feel her heart trying to speed up. She would not freak out. When he finally brought up the idea of looking around the fairground she made a face of distrust. Her forehead became lined as she swallowed a little. She glanced towards the fair, her ears listening for any sounds of him moving. After a moment, she took in another deep breath. “Ah. . .” She paused awkwardly her mouth still open for a moment before she closed it and took in another breath to finish her thought. “Ah, let. . . let me try my first call.” She finished rather awkwardly, her weight shifting in place, showing her discomfort. She turned around quickly, before then shifting her angel so she could see him from the corner of her eyes. She pulled the phone off before awkwardly holding it between her shoulder and ear as she opened up her palm, the glint of the change flickered in the dim street light. She counted out the money for the first call as she put the rest awkwardly back into her pocket before pushing each coin in carefully hearing it fall into place. She then started to dial Hale’s number that she new by heart. She tapped her foot, biting her lip as it started to ring. She almost thought he wasn’t going to pick up when, she heard his voice. “Hello?” The confusion was clear in his voice. It wasn’t often he got unknown number calls. She sighed a smile of relief and joy crossing over her lips. “Hale-“ “Carla? Why are you an unknown number?” He said quickly worry and slight anger in his voice. She sighed. “Well if you let me finish what I was going to say, you’d have your answer.” She said slightly annoyed her foot tapping again. “Sorry.” He grumbled a little making Carla smile even more, before she sighed and frowned at the phone. “My car wouldn’t start- before you cut me off about having fixed it, clearly, it’s still not working. But my phone died and I’m on a payphone beside the fairgrounds, come pick me up please?” She said picking up her speed in speech, a little worried the time of the phone would run out. She could hear him sigh before his car tried squealed as he turned around shapely. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute. Next time wait in the shop. You know better.” He lectured as she opened her mouth to reply but he carried on. “I’ll be there in ah-ah about fifteen minutes. See you then.” He said before she could hear the dead line. She sighed softly and hung up the phone. She looked at it for a moment slightly sad before remembering her odd guest. She peeked back through her hair to see if he was still there. She laughed awkwardly not sure what to do. Her hand came up to the back of her head making her scratch the back of her head for a second. “I guess I didn’t need it after all. My brother picked up. . . so I won’t have to call a cab. Sorry for using your time.” She said still uneasy and awkward sounding. Her hands fell to her sides before slowly linking together in front of her as she fidgeted a little. “But thanks anyways.” She said softly.