...What was the point of all of that? Urgh! What the f... god! Why do dumb shits like this get to have cushy jobs where they're in charge of anything more important than keeping the cafeteria clean? They rank above her! Like, [i]way[/i] above her! Just, just think about that for a second! How messed up is that? What is the point? What is the god damn point?! Why send all of these hostility signals, why march her all the way down here and put her in a criminal interrogation room to ask her so many questions they god damn well know she can't answer and then just... smile and wave when she goes and tries to challenge them? What if she didn't go and get sugar like a good little girl, huh? What if she just left? What if she resigned and took her billion dollar body and got rich playing Aristeia! or something? What if she just disappeared and that was the last bit of edge they got to squeeze out of her? What then, huh? Jerks. Errant glides through the hall on autopilot. One slow, floaty, spaced-out step and then the next and the next, while her mind spins in an angry loop. Why? What? How dare they? Why? And so on. She's so deep into it that she runs face first into Maria and is only saved the embarrassment of spilling her coffee everywhere by the magic of skillwires. She looks up. And up. And up. Holy crap, was she this tall last time? "Oh great, it's the woman who tried to break my spine! So happy to be working with you, see any good movies lately?" Her face is so tense she's not sure she can move her lips any more. She doesn't make the slightest effort to smile or look at least a tiny bit more polite. Or maybe it's more accurate to say she can't make that effort. The last time she met Maria she only survived because a reactor core was in the middle of exploding and it turned the fight from a 1v1 beatdown by an invincible tank into a mad scramble to get out while the getting was good. Though granted that was two sets of limbs ago; if this murder goddess hadn't undergone any significant upgrades since then she might actually be able to-- !!!!!! Errant freezes up completely. She's standing there, looking at Maria while a bead of sweat rolls down her forehead. Her fingers are clasped tightly around three sugar packets, held just barely above the dispenser. Her heart is hammering inside her chest like she's just run a marathon. Cyberlimbs don't shake, not unless something's gone horribly wrong with them, but Errant's magical connection with hers fills her with the sense that they'd very much like to be. She swallows. Then she slowly, carefully brings the packets over her coffee and pours the blissful white crystals into her cup. "...Excuse me, I need air." She zips away like she's been fired out of a cannon. Fuck. God. Now she's [i]thinking[/i] like Victor. Calm down, Euna, calm down. Think about this. But what else could it mean? They're testing her. They don't care if she knows anything about Victor or not. There's been a merger, and someone in Command wants to know if she's going to respond to this as the obedient soldier or the wide eyed idealist. And if she fails... a-and if she fails... She shakes her head. She's doubling back to the interrogation room. Someone's watching her in there. Someone more important than Buddy or Bargain. She's being ridiculous. She knows she is. But she has to ask anyway. She has to know.