[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmE3N2QyZi5VMk52ZEhRZ1RXTkZkbVZrZVEsLC40/swera-demo.bold.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmVkYTYzNS5TR0ZpYVhSaGRDQXpOQ0EsLjA,/red-hat.display.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmU5OTUyNS5UbTl5ZEdobGNtNGdTR0Z1WjJWeS4wAAAA/red-hat.display-medium.png[/img][/center] Scott approached the hangar in silence, and he was thankful for it. If the Zern weren't already attacking, he'd be approaching from behind and be able to ambush their breach into the hangar. He glanced between his screens and the map on his HUD, tracking his position on the Hab's streets as he closed in on the North hangar, but was alarmed as he heard the screech of rending metal and the rumble of weapons fire. They were breaching- [color=FF6347]"I'm taking out the sniper outside. Once he's down you should be free to go nuts" [/color] The sound of a [i][b]building collapsing[/b][/i] filled the air and shook the floor as "Crusher" turned an industrial building into a parking lot. Scott chastised himself for failing to think about surveillance from vantage points as he diverted into an alleyway. If He'd just bolted out into the open like a fool, or opened fire without checking first he'd likely have been shot by the sniper no doubt currently being pulverized by a Scutson with a very large hammer. His new route would exit onto a street with an angled view of the hangar and it's surroundings. If they were breaching, they'd have their backs turned. He keyed his radio as he ignited his thrusters, blasting out of the eastern alleyway and into view. "[color=D1A060]Three Toms running for the front door. Grenade out.[/color]" He slid to a near stop as he drew a grenade before being jostled against the building across the street. He primed it and threw it at the feet of the charging Tommies. The grenade went wide and exploded far enough away to simply knock two over, while the third caught the brunt of the explosion and collapsed on a failing leg servo and a newly missing arm. Scott pushed his Faust back into cover and drew its Copperhead. "[color=D1A060]Rubble, that sniper is dead, right?[/color]"