[quote=@Guy of Z] “Emperors Black bones! What the kriff did those Commandos have on them I only left on a few charges...oh well it's still a good distraction.” (My ears!) “Oh yeah...oops.” (You better take me to those vents!) “Fiiine” Earhen began to trail the Raptors...their leader had a Mandalorian accent. Great more complications first Mommas boy’s army now a Mando meathead merc leading them. Earhen shared his mother's people’s low opinion of Mandalorians, he had run ins with the Mandalorian Protectors under Takel’s request and immediately understood why his ex Sun Guard instructors spat at their mention. There was little grace and an over reliance on gadgets, and the damn jetpacks. Why strap on a bunch of Gas to your back and hope a dude won’t hit you? It confounded Earhen as he fought them because Takel was too paranoid to trust anyone else but him and Vader after Suprema died. Earhen understood why the Windborn did it but they naturally evolved flight, the Mandos were just a culture of adrenaline junkies. Additionally their heavy weapons fetish was so overcompensatory, the Sun Guard at least had a typical Echani grace to their combat despite all the weight they added to themselves but Mandos used their weapons like clubs, fitting as they were essentially a continuation of a cave dwelling culture driven off of Imperial Center eons ago The former Assassin began his quest following after the task force that breached the door as the Raptors looked in the opposite direction for him. As he surveyed the bodies there seemed to be Shadow Stormtroopers about, Blackhole’s personal taskforce the Intelligence Director often delegated tasks to Stormtroopers with Advanced cloaking tech. Unlike most imperials he cared little for the typical Human High culture ideals familiar to those of the core worlds Hrakian and Human recruits were viable recruits for the recluse’s ends. Whatever was stored here it had to be important if it had that freak shows interest. Earhen kept avoiding the Red Armored troopers and their Black clad adversaries, occasionally picking off the unfortunate dumb enough to come his way eventually he realized he was dealing with a labrtyh. The Damned Emperor and his love of deathtraps and mazes... Earhen was hoping the keycard he took at least worked for the inside...if not he hoped it could open a door to take him to someone who could open it…he couldn't risk a cave in sadly and just blow the doors. Earhen advanced into the unknown as blastire fire rang in the caverns, he had to get the things before the fight caused a cave in...thankfully he found his target easily. It was a black suited Imperial officer non Commando, Earhen smiled wickedly at how the moon of his mothers world favored him. [/quote] [img]https://scontent.fmia1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/23843447_1790730550961106_5909751566798108743_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=WW_VW3ZPTL0AX9E6GVs&_nc_ht=scontent.fmia1-1.fna&oh=865e7c028f0bed2377006c9d07e64bf9&oe=5ECC1177[/img] "Palpatine's bones! What a kriffing fight!" the voice accompanied psychotic laughter that cut above the blaster fire and discharges from personal beam weaponry not seen deployed in battle since the clone wars decades prior. beside him pressed against the immense pillar was a Raptor who'd had her helmet blown off her head, blood trickled down from a cut above her eyebrow and another further above her scalp but apart from that she had the same devilish grin on her face as the Mando who commanded them. Around them blaster bolts lanced into ornately carved cielings, causing a shimmering rain of precious gems and gilded metal from the rafters. Rua smiled, other troopers from other other potentates would have scattered, picking up as much of the treasure as possible (and dooming themselves in the process, for grave robbing from a Sith wizards vaults was deadly) but not the Raptors, Zsinj elite guard, his storm troopers, the scarlet warriors commanded by the new Emperor and trained and led by the next Mandalore. Zsinj's attack dog began to tap his feet and several of the raptors turned to look and they began to nod only to redouble their assault with even greater fury. Rua's tapping accompanied a hum which broke into a song, an ancient Mandalorian war poem. "my mother told me...Someday I would buy, vessel with strong engines..fly to distant worlds. My clan I'll command, from a battle bridge" He whirred, stepping into the chaos and drawing one of his pistols a swift blast in the throat below the helmet took the head off one of the guards. "Take orbit storm, slay many foes, raze man worlds, raze many worlds" Seeing their commander in the line of fine sent the raptors into a how of insanity and they roared forward almost saturating the entire room with blaster fire. A few concussive missiles roared overhead and soon, the defenders of the "gate" lay in heaps on the floor, blood and brain matter mixed with the stench of charred plasteel and the acrid stench of age, of dust, of must of the Sith. "Area secured eh boys?" There was a laugh while a call came on the comm informing him of stiff resistance by something unknown deep in the catacombs. "Ah good, our force user retreated with the rest of the trash" he remarked turning to the woman "You there, you've command of the upper levels, inform Captain Pryde that I'll be heading deeper into this crypt" "What if its our other party?" Rua shrugged "I don't really care, whatever moron was dumb enough to blow a hole in the front door is not the guy I'm after and if he wants to help himself to the diseased poodu in this crypt he's welcome to take the liability onto his own damn shoulders. I need answers, so I'll go below" [quote=@Guy of Z] After messily ending the Officers career Earhen proceeded to find the main cavern for the storehouse, or at least it seemed to be? He sure as hell couldn't tell but the officer was at least a hint of something in the right direction? “Hey you got any clue we are in the right direction?” Earhen whispered to the Telerabbit. “Yes we are but it's not exactly something you want to go to…” “Why?” ( I hear someone's thoughts...their planning an ambush) “I guess I have to use it don’t I.” Earhen sighed, he hated using disruptors. They were too much of an Auto win for him...but not against force users at least kriff them they get enough wins already; But he still hated resorting to disintegrations the act had no grace. “Oh well” he said as he advanced to the entrance blaster in hand on the disintegration setting. [/quote] [img]https://img4.goodfon.com/wallpaper/nbig/3/e5/final-fantasy-cave-fantasy-paint-painting-shadow-underground.jpg[/img] Eislen of Eriadu had a good life, he'd been born in the final days of the clone wars and raised by devotees of The Emperor and his glorious ten thousand year plan. Raised in the dark, unlike those inquisitor scum who'd been mostly Jedi dropouts or disgraced former Knights. Eislen had been raised to be Sith, trained in secret by the Emperor's most devout themselves and even fought beside Lord Vader twice! Twice! Glory lay ahead of him and he hadn't even flinched when their eternal Emperor fell over Endor, nor did he renounce his ways to side with that blind Inquisitor Jerec and the megalomaniac that was Ardous Kaine. No, he remained faithful, remained strong, served as Sate Pestage's loyal bodyguard. He'd even been able to gain access to some of the glorious Sith relics concealed on Coruscant! He'd been learning, he'd been growing stronger! Perhaps, perhaps he would have been ready to take over the Empire, restore it to its former majesty even! It was all perfect. But perfection, was always an illusion. He sat now in the dark, resting on immense granite steps flanking an enormous durasteel door, finely polished that contained on either side two gargoyle like statues of some ancient Sith Hounds, braziers in their snarling, open mouths burned empowered by ancient sorcery. This tomb, was older than any other and the Adept clad all in black but for a crimson cloak, snarled in the dimmed light. His hair was wild and disheveled as he was embittered. Some damn fool Inquisitor found a ship adrift in deep space and sensing the fire, the pulse of radiant life dormant within rescued it. They'd thought it was one of their own, fools! As if they could produce power of that sort! No, that was power that belonged to something else entirely, he could feel it, sense its disgust, its contempt and when he realized what she truly was. She'd killed most of the inquisitors and dismissed him, her imperiousness was such that the Grand Vizier didn't even think twice and merely obeyed and he, he was too terrified of her power to strike at her. No, he accepted this demotion when he realized she was sending him out here to replace two guards who'd died mysteriously. Two adepts slain? By something within no doubt! The opportunity to test himself and grow stronger, to learn from the dark secrets within. But the murderer had already departed. A Jedi of some sort, he'd stolen some items but all the other vaults remained barred. He'd been denied! A presence began to touch his mind and he realized it was one of those accursed rodents and he let out a psychic hiss and drew his lightsaber. As the battle raged on above, he let out a capricious laugh. "I know of only one sentient who'd stoop so low as to use those..things..COME OUT VADER'S DOG!" A crimson lightsaber ignited and he sneered at Earhen once the boy came into view. "I thought you'd have died by now.." He stepped forward and then he stopped as an odd, almost savage humming echoed through the cavernous catacomb walls. Sparks flew as durasteel yielded to..a Knife in the dark? "My mootthheerr..tolld me...Someday I would buy...Vessel with strong engines, fly to distant worldss" Eislin twitched at the Mandalorian war poem. "You're working with Rua kriffing Skirata now dog? That's how far you've fallen?" he spat. "Nah, Eis, kid aint with me" Eislin turned his head, his eyes narrowing. "So it's a three way fight then?!" Rua turned eying Earhen "Kid, we got a problem? Or can I trust you to piss off and take whatever stupid Sith poodu you before kriffing off and leaving my men alone?" his voice held an edge of amusement, he'd no idea who this kid was nor did he really care. "my beef's with this one and one other and neither of them are you" "I'll kill you both" the Adept hissed. "Yeah, yeah Eis, listen up. Before I cut your kriffing thoat I've got one question for you" Rua asked, his eyes flickering with contempt. "That crazy cunt who demoted you to chief grave digger...Is she really who she says she is?" Eislin could contain his rage no longer and with a roar tore towards Earhen.