[Center]Paging [@Lady Selune][/center] [hr] Clerk S-25-97-D, otherwise known as Avidius Hilarus, made his way slowly but surely through the ranks of celebrating soldiers and could not help but give a small shake of his augemented head at what he saw. This was not because of their behaviour, oh no, he well knew the value of celebration after a victory... no... it was because he knew what the order contained within the data-slate in his left hand was. Each officer of the upcoming 'combined regiment' - dubbed the 87th Combined Regiment '[i]Expeditio Vernum[/i]' by the highly imaginative brains at HQ - from the regimental colonel to the lowest captain, would be recieving a personalised copy of the orders and would be expected to follow it to the letter. His long legs carried him easily through the various colourful groups, his slender frame softly slipping through, until he finally reached the officers quarters and came to the door of one Captain Di Fieroccu. Several swift raps on the door bought the newly minted company commander out of her reverie and soon enough she would be looking into the one green and one bionic eye of the clerk, his hand outstretched toward her and the data-slate presented along with it. "Your new orders, Captain. The celebrations will likely proceed through the night, possibly into the new day, but what you wish to do with your company before that is up to you." With his task complete, Clerk S-25-97-D could not return to his office and proceed with some [i]real[/i] work. These Militarum assignments were so dull. Emperor be praised. [hr] What the stalwart Mordian would find, once she decided to enter her personal clearance and view the document, was a list of eighty-or-so military personnel from severely depeleted formations; these would all be part of her new company - Company C of the regiment - but from that list she would, eventually, have to select her own Company Command Squad. The regiment would be forming [i]officially[/i] some time the next day, late afternoon most likely, and until then Captain Di Fieroccu had the entire time to rest, recuperate, or simply get right it.