Druid Girl turned her head when she heard the rather distinct thumps of the lizardman's footsteps. With a melodic 'Good morning~!' she greeted her big, red friend. As they were all together once more, she listned as first Steppe Archer said that she'd like to stick with the druid and lizard, whereafter said lizard agreed that there was no point in splitting up. This made a big smile appear on the druid's face and she nodded energetically in agreement. "Uh-huh! I think we'll work well together." She added, even if they actually only had done two jobs togther, and both of them were very... Tame... But hey, you needed to start somewhere, right? A couple swears and grunts from the kitchen later, and the inn-keep returned, carrying a bowl of steaming porridge and sat it down infront of Druid Girl with a heavy clonk. In addition, he dropped a roughly carved wooden spoon down next to the dish. "There. Eat. Enjoy." He said gruffly, turning away and returning to... Whatever it was an inn-keeper did. Druid Girl barely had time to blow on the food, before shoving it into her gob. However, despite her love for eating, she didn't seem too excited after tasting the... taste. It was, to be blunt, very bland - and not particularly well cooked either. A tremendous disappointment, and it showed on the girl's face. She looked like she had just seen someone strike a puppy, which had made her sad. She quietly, but unenthusiastically, ate her meal, spoon after spoon gently clinking against the clay dish before it was all empty. Once done though, she perked back up and turned to her allies. "Well then, let's be off! The guild should be opening right about the time we get there." She said, getting off the stool at the counter and walking over the door, pushing it open with a bit of oomph. Outside, the sky was still a bit pale and pink in places, but an overwhelming blue was slowly starting to creep across it. There were a few white clouds sailing lazily about, but nothing to worry or be concerned a bout. Palisade Town had yet to burst into full bustling, but there were already some people on the streets, and doors and windows were being opened and unlocked in anticipation of the new day. Stepping outside, the druid took a good, long and deep breath of the fresh morning air, exhaling with a pleased and refreshed sound. She looked back inside at her companions. "C'mon, let's go! We don't want anybody else to snatch up all the good quests, right?" She jested with am exaggerated wink.