You two crew members nod. Oliver even had an idea. "Oh! That does remind me, maybe we could see if there are any bounties. Been lots of pirates and raiders in these waters. If we don't head back to Red Shard but go for another port town like Jatahi or even Seiyomi, I'm sure we can find a broker who'll pay us good money for any rival bounties we capture." Kulee just shook his head as he downed his drink. "You've only had one mug Oliver, don't start talking drunk already. You know the captain already has a bounty on his head, right? If he goes into any big town with a bounty, the guards will eat us alive!" Oliver just rolled his eyes as he sipped his drink. "Not like I'm saying we ought to parade through the streets. You know there's places for people like us to dock safely. I'm just saying that in bigger towns, there are ransom brokers who'll have the money to pay bounties for the captains and crew we might run into. Hells, if we fight em in open water we might even be able to liberate em of any of their ill-gotten gains." Kulee just snorts at the idea as he beckons a serving wrench to come over and refill his mug. "It's that sort of talk that makes me wonder how you've survived this long. The captain just said we need more men, and now you're suggesting that we go fight other pirate bands? I ain't saying I'm a coward, but picking fights with people we know who'll shoot first and parley never is just dumb. And any bounty worth chasing after will probably have big crews or cannons. Any that don't is just a waste of time and bread buckets." It doesn't seem like Kulee or Oliver would come to an agreement, so they both stop talking about it. That being said, nearby your table was a notice board with a few bounties on it. Most of them were petty bounties, things like thieves or bail bondsmen, hardly worth more than 10 gold to capture. But one stood out, hidden underneath the other bounties. Notable for having 5000G written on it. "Say captain, you want any of us to tag along with you when you're meeting with the thieves guild? I know we got them to thank for keeping this port friendly for us, but I frankly don't trust em." Oliver says between sips. "I respect Ms. Silvermane for all she's done for us, but last time I met with some thieves guild punks, they putting on airs. Like somehow picking locks and cutting purses makes em better than a hard working sailor like me."