[center][h2]Mandalore the Vakyrie[/h2][/center] "I suppose, to someone who's mind was still learning the ways of the Mando'ade even though your body is that of Kamari, that is what happened." When Hunter looks at me in surprise, I smile softly. "Jerus was unaware as the rest of you I was within earshot, so when he called you Hunter, I began to piece some of the things you'd done since your mind being shattered together. Ava did not get off free. She lost her place of leadership, a title she fought one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy for. She lost the trust of those of us who know the truth, and she lost the respect of a Clan's surviving youth. Saxon's future leaders and parents will not forget what she did, sadly. Clan Cadera will be mistrusted by them for many generations." "And then the damage I did during our bout, well, that is self-explanitory. She cannot fight for many battles, even after the physical proof is gone that she is lost today. Healing takes time, even with Kolto and bacta."