[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=E5D0FF][center]Elara [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c2d82b1c17b3503e1da3818e84984ec0/bec809b648734945-0f/s500x750/c21b5c418d71346f556d27fd5568fa166dff3e33.gifv[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][color=E5D0FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mojo... world? [color=E5D0FF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center] Elara was surprised to hear Watts agree with her. She looked over at him and nodded along with what he was saying. Perhaps the feeling of being in a reality show, maybe even the feeling of being young again, was all one grand illusion. She shivered at the thought, but dismissed it as nothing but the dropping temperature in the room. She didn't want to fear Pryor, or the Mastermind sisters. They'd been taken down pretty easily, once the illusions stopped. They weren't a real threat right now. The real threat was whatever suddenly made the ground tremble beneath them. Elara furrowed her brows, both in anger and confusion. What kind of game did Mojo put them in? They all looked out of the windows, and Elara felt her stomach drop at the sight of the giant purple people eaters coming towards them. Watts' description didn't help her either. [color=E5D0FF]"I think these are a little more sinister than AT-AT walkers."[/color] She muttered under her breath. While everyone else would be able to physically fight the mutant killers, Elara wasn't sure how she would be able to help them. Elara was among the last of the group to go outside, but she didn't go past the white picket fence. The others jumped into action quickly. All Elara could do was stand back and watch. Illusions wouldn't work on technology. She didn't even have her baton. As if that little stick would help her now. Watts had his speed, and she watched in awe as he quiclky dismantled a robot. Arthur had his arrows, which quickly brought another down with an EMP. Evelyn's knives took out an eye, but they could easily lodge themselves into the neck of a robot if she wanted to. Bella's use of her abilities impressed Elara, too. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous as another robot fell. The only ones who hadn't taken action now was herself and Sapphire. Andrew probably wouldn't be much help since he had no memory of his suit's ability. Where was the suit, anyways? She noticed that he carried the helmet, but she hadn't seen the rest of it. [i]The basement. What else is down there?[/i] Elara turned away from the battle. There had to be something useful down there. She quickly made her way back inside, her converse taking her down the stairs into what appeared to be a lab. [color=E5D0FF]"Let's see what you've got, Andrew."[/color] She murmured as she began to shuffle through all of the tech and equipment. After a minute of searching, Elara came upon what looked like a large gun. It was a little heavy, but Elara managed to hold it up and aim it at a nearby computer screen. [color=E5D0FF]"Well, it's worth a try."[/color] She took two steps at a time as she raced back up the stairs. This time she headed past the fence and as close to the robots as she dared to get. She held up her new toy, gripping it like a rifle. She'd only shot a rifle once, but how different could this be? All she had to do was just aim the barrel at the robot, hold on tight, and squeeze the trigger. As awkward as her 11 year old body looked holding the gun, Elara managed to keep a steady aim. She took a deep breath, pointed it straight at the robot's neck, and fired. It was nothing like a gun. The recoil nearly took her shoulder off, and she stumbled a foot or two backwards but kept her balance. Whatever fired out of the weapon missed the robot. She squinted her eyes into the light, realizing that there was some sort of explosion behind the purple shoulder. [color=E5D0FF]"What the hell is this thing, Andrew?"[/color] She asked, rolling her own shoulder. Without waiting for his response, she aimed the weapon again. This time she gave it a firmer grip, leaned into the gun, dug her right heel into the ground behind her, and fired again. This time it didn't nearly knock her off of her feet. The blast hit the robot directly in the chest. A little too low from where she was aiming, but it definitely did some damage. She watched in satisfaction as sparks flew out of the machine, but she quickly frowned when it didn't fall. [color=E5D0FF]"Looks like I'll have to work on my aim."[/color]