[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2rzyA1k.png[/img][color=crimson][h3]Space outside Annona Colony Docks[/h3][/color][/center][hr] [color=pink]"Boss it just cut into a maintenance section, its trying to get into the colony! We need to stop it now!"[/color] [color=crimson]"That's probably the best we could've asked for."[/color] Galahad muttered under his breath. [color=crimson]"Alright we know where its going, now we cut it off!"[/color] He barked as he flew down towards the colony wall. The craft had found its hole but overshot, requiring it to double back before it could get in. That left enough time for Galahad and Ayame to get their mobile suits into position. Galahad planted his mobile suit down just above the wall of the colony and unfolded his Tommy's bayonet from its storage section. He began firing his weapon directly across and over the open emergency tunnel while simultaneously opening up with his 30mm vulcans as well- the hostile craft would either have to change course of fly into a wall of gunfire. On the off chance it decided to fly at him, Galahad could at least stick his bayonet into the cockpit as it collided with his Tommy.