[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191108/45418b16ab6f540cd6d81e139c448484.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/me0NrJg.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HMNC6bN.png[/img][/center] [indent][color=d3d3d3]Chrissie McCoy had no malicious intent. All she wanted to do was instill doubt in her friend, and enemy. She and Carter had a complicated relationship. Unfortunately, first impressions do last forever. When they met, freshmen year, and he opened his damn month, Chrissie knew this boy would be the bane of her existence, continuously testing her patience because of his deep-seated conviction. That moment would define how they treated one another up until present day. Now? Things would change. Things would become far worse. There was no doubt that she found some kind of sick enjoyment in causing him uncertainty — causing him pain. That being said, with Stella being heavily involved with him at the moment, because she was so 'madly' in love, there was no way in hell Chris would let them be with each other peacefully. Stella didn't know any better! Obviously, her cousin was easy prey. It was Chris' [i]job[/i] to show her that dating wasn't worth it in high school. If anyone knew better, it was surely Chris. Seeing how she fell for the same trap. After putting in her combination, the Starlet threw her locker open, fully decorated to suit an aspiring Actress. Her mind came to a halt when a letter fell out and unceremoniously landed onto her right foot. There was only one person who would do that. [i]Jason[/i]. Grimacing, she bent down, picked up the envelope, and debated ripping it. Examining the front, she ran her pointer finger on her name written in such delicate cursive. It could easily pass as calligraphy. Bringing the letter up, she subtly sniffed it, picking up on his cologne. There was a quick pain in her chest, before she snapped out of it. Instead of ruining his mother's stationary paper, she huffed her strands of hair out of her face and slipped it in her bag. She'll read it later, when she felt like it. After gathering all her things for her first couple of classes, she closed her locker, spun the lock dial, and gingerly took out a Polaroid camera from her bag. Hanging the strap over her shoulder, she sauntered down the hall, contemplating what musicals to have the drama club vote for this semester. They had a week to decide before she needed to advertise the audition date. There was loud chatter coming down one hall, which caused curiosity to overflow within her. Turning to check, that curiosity was quickly turned into boredom, as Chris rolled her eyes in indifference. Looks like a tall boy was starting shit with typical problem people at King's like [i]Kavi[/i] and [i]Ariel[/i]. Aside from Julie. She was perfect and Chanel hyping her up was honestly a mood. Chris approved. [i]Yawn[/i]. Turning her head back towards the general direction she was walking, Chris' once annoyed, exasperated frown rose into a wide grin. Lifting her Polaroid, she called out to her talented, musical friend, [color=76ff7a]"Hey, Jasper! Smile, baby."[/color] She stuck out her tongue and didn't wait for his response. [i]Snap![/i] The photo was taken and slowly coming out. Once it was out, she gently waved it in the air, continuing toward him until she was right in front, blocking his way. [color=76ff7a]"Ready for the spring musical???"[/color] She said, with an eager, sing-song voice. [/color][/indent]