[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6699FF]Apollo Harrington[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/671635048612757534/3e06da3b50bb071d55f81ede0ae43a98.gif[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=6699FF]Location:[/color][/b] Cabin 3 [b][color=6699FF]Magic:[/color][/b] Silencio failed into Sonarus [/center][hr] Apollo felt himself be shunted out of Mary's mind as she told him he was dealing with it. Right, personal space. Sometimes it was hard to forget that when things began to run wild. It had always been easier for him to speak into minds than to speak his mind. There was a small sigh as he sat there hearing the mounting voices go to a fro including Faes words towards the Trolley Witch. He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking it all in and wondering if they truly could take points away for exploits on the train or if this was merely to be punished with chores and detention in the dungeons. Finally he released the bridge of his nose and patted around his person in search for his divination coin. One side held an open eye and was marked yes, the other a floating feather marked no. He began to think to himself, whispering into the coin his question on if he should get involved or stay put. If it landed on yes then he would get out of his compartment and finally take part in the mischief. Apollo flipped the coin into the air and it floated for what felt like an eternity. It finally landed down onto his hand with the eye staring right back at him and another long and harsh sigh escapes his mouth. He [i]really[/i] didn't want to get involved but if the fates deemed it so he would. He stood from his seat looking at Scamander and telling him to stay put. As he turned out of his cabin, away from the rest, his wand quickly flicked as he muttered a spell trying to silence Fae but accidentally causing her voice to boom louder when next she spoke. Apollo walked down the halls in search for the other prefects. They as he might there were none to be found and so he turned back to old habits. His mind bounced from person to person but quickly fizzled out before any prefects were found. Either it was his lack of conviction or his agitation towards all this that caused it to fail. Apollo turned back, went into his cabin as he simply sat and began to eat one of his packed Lemon Sherberts.