[hr][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Alpha Team[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Sx2tDWwD/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Members:[/b] [color=D48FFF]Blink[/color], [color=935DB8]Veil[/color], [color=87d0f2]Spark Plug[/color], [color=9C00FF]Stretch[/color], [color=#FFDAB9]Moonwalker[/color] [b]Location:[/b] Hallway #2 -> Sabretooth's Room -> Malice's Room / Arclight's Room [b]Skills:[/b] [color=935DB8]Invisible Energy Manipulation, Perception[/color], [color=87d0f2]Weather Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation[/color], [color=9C00FF]Hand to Hand Combat[/color], [color=#FFDAB9]Dreamwalking, Perception, Empathy, Enhanced Strength[/color] [hr] [/center] Veil cloaked her group the minute they set foot in the hallway. They were able to see each other, yet no one else would be able to see them. It had been this or preemptive protective shields. Yet her reasoning had been that if no one could see them, their odds of detection were that much lower and hopefully, force fields wouldn't be needed. The gruesome fixtures lining the hallway were still unnerving, just as much as they had been the first time. [color=935DB8]"I didn't go down this hallway earlier - Spark Plug, Stretch, did either of you?"[/color] Veil asked, her voice a low whisper. There were about five doors off of this hallway, all of them identical, made of a dark ebony wood. No one else seemed to be around, but this place was a deceptive maze. However, Veil found herself drawn to the first door, walking forward towards it in what was a trance almost. She set her hand down on the knob, about to open it only for Blink to smack her hand away. [color=D48FFF]"This place is messing with your mind,"[/color] Blink said. Callie took a moment as her eyes stared at the door for a moment and shook her head[color=87d0f2]"I went down the one on the right I think."[/color] Callie said, it still made her feel uncomfortable that they were all back here again, she noticed Veil making her way towards one of the doors. [color=87d0f2]"Don't enter the rooms, they will close and lock behind you trust me. He also has the room filled with all the stuff to make you happy and stuff in order to keep you there."[/color] Callie warned them. [color=9C00FF]"Like that for you maybe. I was locked in a music room of sorts, then ended up in his lab area with Sunshine,"[/color] Jack said with a slight shrug towards Callie. He still hadn't mentioned to Veil or anyone else (aside from Glimpse sort of by accident when he had a breakdown) about his relation to Sinister, and he figured now was probably not the best time to actually mention it. Knowing his luck it would probably pop up eventually. [color=9C00FF]"I didn't go down this hallway at all, so no idea... Who wants to pick a door to look behind?"[/color] Cayden looked around the place, kind of fascinated with the sophistication of it. And to think, all of this was underground. He followed his group down the second hallway, leaving the others behind as they made their way. He watched Veil walk towards a door and was surprised when Blink smacked her hand away. Weren't they supposed to be looking in these rooms for people? Callie spoke up and it made a bit more sense to Cayden now. [color=#FFDAB9]"Maybe I'll check this one then,"[/color] Cayden said, since he felt absolutely no pull to it. He walked over to it and turned the handle to open it up. Inside, the room contained a very large, very angry Sabretooth. Cayden blinked. [color=#FFDAB9]"Do you think I could just close this door and all would be fine?"[/color] he whispered. Sabretooth sniffed the air, looking straight at where the invisible team was. All of his senses were enhanced, causing him to hear Moonwalker's fretful whisper. "Like hell it would be!" Sabretooth growled, swiping at the air with his claws. Veil instinctively dropped the cloaking, throwing up a force field instead, narrowly saving Moonwalker's face from being mauled. [color=935DB8]"He heals, so try to knock him out!"[/color] Veil announced to her team, not even bothering to be quiet. Sabretooth was throwing his full body weight against her force field, ramming at it in a brute force attempt to get through to them. It was holding for now, but they couldn't rely on it to hold forever. Veil could only endure so much. Each time Sabretooth hit against her force field, she felt the power and might ripple through her body, a direct challenge of his brawn up against her powers. [color=935DB8]"Spark Plug, I'm going to let the shield down on the count of three. One... two... three!"[/color] [color=87d0f2]"Well look what dragged the kitty back in."[/color] Callie said seeing Sabertooth who had been in the room there most likely waiting for them once Cayden opened the door. She took a slight step back when Sabertooth launched himself at the forcefield and started to beat against it, looking over at Veil and nodded. [color=87d0f2]"On it."[/color] Callie said the moment Veil dropped the shield she used her power. She was expecting lightening to shoot out of her hands, only for a heavy gust of wind to come out which more or less gave Sabertooth a pretty poofy hairdo like he had been hit with an hairdryer. [color=9C00FF]"...Well totally thought that Sabretooth needed his fur hit with a hair dryer,"[/color] Jack commented with a small laugh. The force field was down though, and Sabretooth knew that they were there, so hopefully they could just smack him around a few times to hopefully do something. He sent his fist slamming into Sabretooth's jaw, but he figured that hadn't done much. [color=9C00FF]"So... Any other ideas?"[/color] Cayden looked at Veil gratefully when she saved his face from being clawed off. He was making to many risks with his face. He grinned at the puffy looking lion hair but the battle was no laughing matter. Callie's attack hadn't worked as intended and Jack's was a good effort. At least he could throw a far punch. Cayden could always rush him but he didn't like the look of those claws. [color=#FFDAB9]"I have an idea,"[/color] Cayden said. He looked at Sabretooth intently and found himself inside his mind a moment later. Once inside, Cayden discovered that Sabretooth had the strange obsession with red meat, Canada and plotting to kill Wolverine. Cayden shrugged and melded all three elements together to create an ideal daydream for the fluffy lion. The dream contained the mountainesque landscape of Banff, Canada with a spread of various rare meats and Wolverine simply waiting to fight Sabretooth when he was ready. [color=#FFDAB9]"Distracted, you could try physically knocking him out or I can try pushing this further,"[/color] Cayden offered. [color=D48FFF]"I can send him to the Savage Land - Vulcan might enjoy the company,"[/color] Blink instantly offered. She started to create a portal, only for Veil to shake her head. [color=935DB8]"We're in this place, practically blind. We need information before we send him down the trash chute... Moonwalker, is there any chance you can pull out what Sabretooth knows about this place?"[/color] she asked. She didn't know how Moonwalker's powers worked precisely, but he was influencing Sabretooth's mind. Maybe he would be able to tell them who else was around or even where in this facility they should be looking for captured mutants. Nightcrawler was someone she was hoping they'd find - he was a victim in all of this. [color=935DB8]"Also... Wind manipulation? That's a new one,"[/color] she added, glancing at Spark Plug. [color=87d0f2]"Shush or i'll taser you."[/color] Callie said looking over at Jack for a moment before smirking, she wasn't expecting a new power to emerge at all which was a nice little change. She watched Sabertooth go into some kind of trance made by Moonwalker, it looked like he was out of it for the time being. She entered the room now, and started to search around, before spotting a laptop and quickly snatched it up Callie saw Sabertooth in pretty much a banana hammock, which made her cringe seeing him with a plate of red meat. [color=87d0f2]"Oookay didn't need to see that.."[/color] Callie said as she pressed a key, and instantly had access to the entire laptop. [color=87d0f2]"Well he's certainly a really dumb person he didn't even put a password in it."[/color] Callie said, before going into the files and started to see some of Sabertooth's mission reports, even a map of the entire facility. Which she instantly took a picture of it, sending Veil a picture of Sinister's lair. [color=87d0f2]"It has a bunch of Saber's mission reports, want me to fry the rest?"[/color] Callie asked looking to the others. [color=9C00FF]"I have been tasered before, so is that really supposed to be a threat to me? Cause it isn't considering the fact that you just acted like a glorified hair dryer to freaking Sabretooth..."[/color] Jack said with a bit of a laugh, shaking his head slightly as he looked over at her. A moment of thought though, as a everyone else seemed to be paying more attention to the big furball caused him to think back to the notebook he'd found while in Sinister's lab the first time around. He decided to take the moment to actually look and see what was in it. Flipping through it, he saw that it seemed like a logbook of sorts detailing the experiments done with the Hounds and Shaw Industries' involvement with it. Another thought crossed his mind, and it caused him to remember his conversation with Glimpse, how despite the fact that Sinister's relation to him was more of his problem, since Sinister showed up though, well he had to admit that she had a point. It was more of the Underground's problem entirely. Slipping the notebook back into his pocket, he looked over at Veil. [color=9C00FF]"Uh, hey Veil? There is something that I learned earlier that I really wish I hadn't learned about and I figured that now might be a time to mention it... But um... Sinister's my dad."[/color] He figured he was better off just more or less saying it right out loud as opposed to anything else. [color=#FFDAB9]"Sure thing boss,"[/color] Cayden said in response to Veil's request. He dove back into Sabretooth's dream and slowly transitioned it to Sabretooth being in the lab, surrounded by precious red meat still but was speaking with Sinister. Cayden made his fake Sinister give Sabretooth a mission, to finally kill Wolverine but he wanted people to go with him, who would he select out of the fine group of mutants they had. Sabretooth gave a full list of the mutants in Sinister's employ, including Nightcrawler, Magik and Vulcan. Cayden relayed all of this information to Veil as it came to him. A lot was coming at Veil all at once. [color=935DB8]"Spark Plug, take photos of those mission reports, text them to me, and then fry it,"[/color] she decided. That was the easy one. Moonwalker's relay of the names of Sinister's Hounds was also relatively easy to stomach, given that Sapphire had helped Magik and they had abandoned Vulcan in the Savage Land. Now, Jack mentioning that his father was Sinister? That wasn't something she had seen coming at all. She flickered in and out of view for a moment, her mutation temporarily acting up as a manifestation of sheer stress. She wished that Jack had told her that information way sooner - and a small part of her was a bit annoyed. They now had children of Mister Sinister, Professor X, [i]and[/i] Captain Britain on the team... And yet they still could barely afford to get by. It also threatened to turn their team into something more like the X-Men - able to help with the large and scary villains, yet unable to help out the underdogs, the mutants fearing for their lives each and every day. She resolved to just take a deep breath, before exhaling forcefully. [color=935DB8]"Is he tracking you? Does he know where the hideout is?"[/color] she asked Jack. Callie looked at Jack for a moment when he said that Sinister was actually his father was pretty surprising, and seeing Veil flicker slightly as well from the little bomb drop. [color=87d0f2]"So Creepy Uncle Lester is your dad? That really sucks."[/color] Callie said, and looked towards Veil and nodded as she started to take pictures of Sabertooth's mission reports, and anything else that was relevant to, and sent the information dump to Veil's phone. Getting up from where she had been sitting she held out her hand, as a bolt of lightening hit the laptop frying it, for good while looking between Jack, Veil and Cayden. [Color=9C00FF]"Yeah yeah he is... As for him tracking me I have no freaking clue. I never know what he's doing, and I [i]just[/i] found out that my dad was Sinister... Since my brain never made the connection. The guy I was talking to at the bar? That was him in his less creepy form, and I still didn't know then. He knew that we were there the instant we walked in, he always knows everything, or at least thinks he does. I don't know what to do or anything like that..."[/color] Jack said, shaking his head slightly. At this point he half expected to get kicked out of the Underground, since at this point he was a liability (at least in his mind) to the safety of the Underground and everyone there all things considering. After Cayden gave Veil his bit of information, they were a bit bombarded with Jack's information and it seemed all of them were a bit shocked. Even Cayden was but he was desperately trying not to loose control over Sabretooth. That would be a bad. While the others, namely Veil, were busy digesting Jack's new information, Cayden focused on actually putting Sabretooth to sleep. This wasn't normal for Cayden to do but if he could get him into a dream cycle, it would be a deeper sleep and hopefully they would be able to back out with the information needed and leave the sleeping lion be. Cayden started to hum the song, 'When The Lion Sleeps Tonight', slipping it into Sabretooth's dream which caused him to slowly drift off into a deep, REM sleep cycle. The process was very taxing on Cayden's ability but when the job was done, Cayden took a knee and breathed deeply to try and get his energy back. [color=#FFDAB9]"I put the lion to sleep,"[/color] Cayden said softly, hoping the others would soften their tones as well. Veil nodded at Cayden, before making a spur of the moment decision. [color=935DB8]"Alright. Here's what we'll do. Before we leave this place, you're going to shed all of your clothes and possessions that you have on you. Spark Plug will tase you before hand, frying any trackers that might be embedded into your skin. It'll suck, but it'll make sure that you're safe and that he won't have anything planted on you before we portal you back to base."[/color] Fortunately for them, no one else had popped up. She pulled out her phone and peered at the pictures Callie had sent ahead to her. [color=935DB8]"The rest of this hallway seems to be personal quarters for the Marauders - let's check the rest of these rooms, incapacitate them, and then move on."[/color] [color=D48FFF]"Want me to portal him now?"[/color] Blink asked, looking at the sleeping beauty. Veil gave her a nod. [color=935DB8]"Go ahead."[/color] Scarcely a minute passed before Blink opened up another portal to the Savage Land and awkwardly shoved Sabretooth on through. When he woke up, he wouldn't know where he was - and ideally, he wouldn't know that it had been the Mutant Underground that attacked him. Callie looked at Veil giving a suggestion, and she gave a slight nod while looking over at Jack, who seemed to be a pretty cool guy so far as far as she could tell anyway. [color=87d0f2]"Sounds good to me then."[/color] Callie said, while looking at Jack before watching Blink sending Sabertooth off to the Savage Lands. She started to head back down the hallway once more eventually finding another door only to find it as a vacant room, only a desk and what looked like a diary. She picked it up, and started to open it, before letting out a groan and held her head slightly and dropped the diary feeling someone entering her mind. Jack nodded his head slightly towards Veil, [color=9C00FF]"Alright, that is fine with me, makes sense and honestly would do the same thing in your shoes... Also makes me think that I should probably go back to my office at some point to make sure there isn't anything there either... Knowing my dad, it wouldn't surprise me, always had to be the smartest person in the room and know everything about everyone when he walks into a place."[/color] After Sabretooth disappeared to the Savage Lands, Jack followed Callie into the room she went into, and saw that she picked up the diary. He pulled her slightly away from it, glancing around the room as he did so and he tossed the diary back to where it had been. [color=9C00FF]"You need to be careful Spark Plug, since think about it. I get it, the diary might be helpful, but don't you think it's a bit fishy that there is nothing in the room [i]except[/i] for the diary?"[/color] Veil nodded in agreement with Jack, standing with him and Spark Plug. [color=935DB8]"Fry it, please - I've seen the second Harry Potter movie and you don't want to end up like Ginny Weasley,"[/color] she quipped. She had small force fields ready in her hands, prepared for a massive explosion or something. [color=935DB8]"Jack, feel free to hide behind me."[/color] Cayden stretched himself out, standing as they had left the room. He was glad to see Sabretooth gone and proud that he was able to help with it. They had gotten some good information and whatever Spark Plug found on his computer would prove to be useful. Cayden walked down the hallway and followed the others. Jack, Veil, and Callie went into one room so Cayden kept moving down the hallway to the next. As soon as he opened the door he knew it was a bad idea. Another bad guy was waiting for him and she threw her power at him which Cayden managed to miss as the blast hit the wall and took a chunk of it with her. [color=#FFDAB9]"I'm not opening anymore doors,"[/color] Cayden stated. He put his head down and charged at Arclight, using his power and strength to take her down but she countered, using his momentum against him to push him off of her and somehow flip him around so he was face down and she pressed her heel into his spine. Cayden grunted but attempted to swing his arm around to grab onto her ankle and pull her off of him. He managed to connect and pulled. Arclight came off but she rolled and got to her feet, coming out of unscathed but Cayden was just happy to not have a heel in his spine anymore. He pushed himself up to his feet and prepared for the next attack. "Give up - you won't be able to defeat me," Arclight warned him. "Or don't - I'm having fun." She shot a wave of tremors off into the ground at Moonwalker's feet, causing the other mutant to lose his balance. She then took advantage of the situation, rushing at Cayden and elbowing him in the face. Three of Cayden's teeth went flying out of his mouth from the raw force. [color=D48FFF]"You might want to invest in a dental plan,"[/color] Blink quipped, having rushed over to Cayden after hearing the large crash from the destruction of the wall. "Aww, how cute, your girlfriend is here to save the day!" Arclight taunted. Blink gave Moonwalker a side eye. [color=D48FFF]"I can do way better than him."[/color] Meanwhile Callie stumbled backwards slightly when she managed to get the presence out of her mind, rubbing her head slightly while looking over her shoulder towards Jack. [color=87d0f2]"Yeah something is in that diary and I totally don't want to end up like Ginny either."[/color] Callie said remembering seeing the movie as well many years ago, she held out her hand and tried to shoot some lightening at the diary, but didn't. She did it again and it was all on fire now as well. Taking a moment looking over at the others, she didn't see Cayden or Blink with them which wasn't good. [color=87d0f2]"Wheres Moonwalker and Blink?"[/color] Callie asked. [color=9C00FF]"Yup, and let me tell you, this sort of thing is probably not something you want to mess with at all, considering the fact that we are in Sinister's lair..."[/color] he said to Callie. He was just now going to stop referring to Sinister as his father, since if he did that would be accepting the fact, and he did not want to do that at all. His brain was still in denial about it. Suddenly, he felt a major headache of his own, but he more or less shrugged it off as stress over that whole idea or something. Poking his head out into the hallway, he saw the commotion caused by Cayden opening up another door, and he went fully back into the room. [color=9C00FF]"Well, seems like someone decided to go charging ahead, which I thought the rest of us decided was probably [i]not[/i] a good idea considering what happened last time people went off by themselves and started walking through the doors, but someone doesn't seem to have gotten the memo."[/color] Cayden spat blood out onto the floor and ran a tongue over his missing teeth. That was not a good look. Hopefully James was good at regrowing bone. James was going to give him hell for ruining his work. He looked over at Blink when she joined him. [color=#FFDAB9]"Is that comment for before or after loosing my teeth?"[/color] He looked back at Arclight. [color=#FFDAB9]"Right, cause you're just going to let us walk out of here."[/color] No, she wouldn't and Cayden opened up this can of worms so he was going to do everything he could to close it up. He attempted to enter her mind but it was like a steel trap. Brute force it was. He channeled his cousin, Thunderbird and ran forward, picking up as much speed as he could before he laid out a mother of a heavy strike. It would have beautiful, if he had connected but Arclight was proficient in being the defense as well as the offense. He was close to her though and pulled his arm back, using the moment to land an uppercut. It was not his finest work and she seemed completely fine from the whole ordeal. Still, Cayden wasn't going to give up and readied himself for another attack.