[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/630508873102655513/668933940379254784/tristram.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/630508873102655513/668932790129131547/722f654f361ff8be80bdd612c898207c.png[/img] [@Caasicam][@Krayzikk][@Heartfillia][@PaulHaynek][@Crimson Paladin][@Lunarlord34][/center] From seemingly nowhere, a hand was thrust before Léon, offering a shake and connected to a longbowman that had been just a moment away from snatching the same quest off the noticeboard that the Mayonite had. It, naturally, belonged to the type of man who did not need a visible face to emote with the air of this being a foregone conclusion, an insistent pressure that most needed pointed looks and forced smiles to convey. His pursuit of the cleric had been just as swift and stern as his approach to the board— he was a man of pride, yes, but that did not come at the expense of pragmatism. He intrinsically understood that cooperating here yielded more boons than "playing it cool" and affecting a flippant air would. [color=39b54a]"Tristram Ullr. [i]Pleasure[/i] working with you."[/color] Any money they made here, however small, was a step up from inaction or falling further down the hole. Their group, fourth member involved or otherwise, was going to need the income, and any net loss was right out the window. His financial responsibility was no easy burden, and to shoulder that weight meant you couldn't crack for anything. Do not give up, pursue every avenue necessary, the bag stands above all else. Even social graces like , "leaving well enough alone". Besides, they could use having a healer or two on call— The Paladin was a newbie, but he was pretty sure she naturally fell into the Sword class (they tended to be combative), and Jane Doe barely [i]got out[/i] at a hard Rank 4, but making nice with Reverdin could make the difference between cleanly containing a certain Berserker and... Well, having to get creative with arrows, rope, shieldwork, and a tree. [color=39b54a]"You're heading your group."[/color] It wasn't a question. The sniper could tell in how he had carried himself. [color=39b54a]"We ought to compare notes. My problem children and assumedly the tagalong can be leveraged well enough, but it takes a clear picture of what you're dealing with."[/color]