[quote=@TheWindel] [@Not Fungus] Make it clear Beguiling Light is an offense ability in the CS and he’s fine by me. Wait for [@KoL]’s opinion. [@ZAVAZggg] I like him. He’s accepted by me, though wait for [@KoL]’s final judgement. Seeing as no one has really mentioned Heaven too much in their CS, more than likely your interpretation of it will be the common one within the world and applicable to characters; that being a machine-like Heaven. There’s nothing to contradict it so far among other characters. As for your question. Humanity still uses traditional medieval/fantasy levels of tech, however there is also the incorporation of magic. Furthermore, other species do exist, those deemed a non-threat to humans. As for greater supernatural forces, there are perhaps some, though most are given form through belief and worship. While Heaven exists, that doesn’t mean every human acknowledges them. Those who do are granted divine boons and whatnot. [/quote] Okay cool. That helps me envision the world a bit better.