Steppe Archer's face was radiating happiness, elated to know that her companions still wanted her around, and wanted to stick together. Though, her smile faded a bit once she actually saw the Druid Girl eating that gruel. It smelt unappetizing, and frankly...she wasn't spoiled or anything, but at a certain point, she had to wonder if it wouldn't have just been more appetizing to eat the raw ingredients rather than that. She was glad she had the stomach patience to wait until she could procure her own breakfast. An apple was enough for the morning, and she could just sneak out of town to get herself one. Once her druidic pal stepped out, Steppe Archer was quick to follow, nodding as she raised her hands in the air and said: [color=CC6633][b]"Time for adventure~!"[/b][/color] in something akin to a hushed yell, not wanting to wake up the people still sleeping in the inn. She wouldn't hesitate to rush straight to the guild, using her extra energy to run straight up to the quest counter, looking back to the door for her companions.