Feathers swirled around her ankles as she stood and raised her head. The emerald green plumes hugged her figure so tightly they seemed almost like part of her, transitioning seamlessly from soot-black scales to the glitter-green of the rainforest, to fire-red blues and greens. It was like she was being swept backwards, all her energy on her extremities - while her Crystal Gala dress had served to emphasize her form this did the opposite, almost erasing that there was a dragon there at all. She seemed like two golden eyes floating in the midst of swirling blue and red feathered eyes. Her bare neck was slender, birdlike, so naked against the backdrop of the dress. It made her seem slender, beautiful, fragile and weak. +Hi everyone, I'm Princess Adila II,+ thought Adila. There was a miserable and apologetic undertone to her thoughts, a defeated sullenness. +You already know that I'm too weak to handle my own emotions, let alone fight off a hypnotist. I've got three of them acting on me right now, you know? Princess Eupheria, of course, and Princess Eska, but you probably don't know that I've been under the influence of Princess Adila I all this time. Her spirit can act and speak through me and I've been pretending not to notice because I'm kind of into being mentally dominated.+ She immediately tried to sit down again. And she immediately discovered that she couldn't. The spotlight blared onto her and wouldn't let her leave. A deep sigh ran through her body and her shoulders slumped with the weight of a secret confession finally forced to the open. She fastidiously looked away into a corner and you could feel her trying to pretend that she wasn't telepathic at all and was just thinking these things to herself. +But that's a half truth. The real reason I like it is because I think I'm polyamorous. I am intensely attracted to multiple people for very different reasons. I go out of my way to string them along while avoiding real commitment because I don't want to lose any of them. I know that my only real, healthy relationship is with Princess Dandy, and I love her deeply and don't want to hurt her. So instead I look for moments when I can pretend to not be in control of myself and lean into them, while hoping that in the long term I grow out of it enough to settle down.+ She almost fell back into her chair the moment the spotlight left her, and immediately slumped down as low as she'd go.