[color=khaki]"I know it looks like it could bring trouble, Breden, and I don't know what kind of powers this thing holds...but at least it's in our hands and not in the orcs'. Think how much worse it would be if they were the ones to discover what this thing did."[/color] Griz shakes his head side to side. Thinking about a legion of orcs sent chills down his spine, what more magically enhanced ones? [color=khaki]"I'll give the shaman the thing when she gets back to the village. Until then, it stays with me for safekeeping."[/color] The guard goblin looks away, irritated. He did not like the fact that Griz did this kind of stunt. It was understandable that he didn't want something that may be a powerful magical item to be in the wrong hands, but did he really have to be the one to do it? The healer goblin quietly accepts the fact that the events of last night were done and over with, not even the gods could change that. She just hoped that whatever power this necklace had, it was worth risking another war and the lives of their future children. [color=khaki]"Also, Breden."[/color] Griz reaches to his broken dagger in its sheath and hands it to him. [color=khaki]"Would you kindly give this to Kog to see if he can fix it? I'd do it myself if I was in better shape."[/color] And the fact that he's kind of afraid to face the old goblin blacksmith after what he had done to a dagger he lovingly forged like many other iron weapons he produced for the tribe's proven warriors and hunters. Bringing the broken and battered blade to him is like personally returning to an artist with one of his works torn to tatters. It simply didn't sit well with the hunter goblin.