[CENTER][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC43ODc4NzguUTA5T1ZFRkpUazFGVGxRLC4wAAAA/bark.bark.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][@BCtheEntity][@ReedeThe23rd][@knifeman][@PigeonOfAstora][@LetMeDoStuff][@duskshine749][@Zaida][@Inertia][@HaleyTheRandom][@Nyxira][@Slypheed][/center] [hr] [hr] Welcome to Facility B, Subject. Facility B, also known as ‘The Ward’ to its residents, is an extremely advanced, [b]extremely[/b] classified laboratory for ‘anomalous individuals,’ people and beings that simply do not obey the regular laws of physics. In Facility B, these individuals are safely contained, studied and experimented on in order to find the source of their powers, ways to replicate their powers and potential applications. Until today. Normally, at exactly 0800 every morning, throughout all four wings of Facility B’s accommodation areas, a loud buzzer sounds to wake up everyone for breakfast at precisely 0815. Today however, something is different. The buzzer goes off at different times in each wing, cameras in red wing are malfunctioning, and the lights, when one leaves the room, are flickering and damaged. Facility B is not self-sufficient. Not even close to self-sufficient, in fact. The kitchens only hold enough food for three days’ worth of meals for the subjects, let alone staff… Not that any of those are around either. With no guards and no scientists, and power limiters malfunctioning along with almost every other system in the entire Facility, the only way to survive is to somehow escape from this labyrinth of white, and there are two rather large problems standing in the way of this escape. One- every Subject’s memory is on the fritz worse than the devices. Remembering anything of the last day is an issue, let alone life before you arrived in the Facility. The second issue is that humans are not the only kind of anomalous individuals that have been set free by this malfunction… [hider=Character Sheet] [center]Note: This will be a [i]canon document[/i] that your character will find in the game. As such, the format should be stuck to. Thank you![/center] [center]Full Name: Very simple, just the name of your character. Age: Facility B’s subjects range from 8-80 years old. ID Number: All subjects in Facility B are given unique identification codes when they enter, all of which follow the same pattern: (M/F)(Colour Ranking)(Subject Number)(Initials) So, John Smith, a red ranked individual would be MR-0001-JS. Although subjects are not expected to use these codes in place of names, they are expected to realise when they are being referred to with these names. Currently, Facility B is around the 2200 range in terms of the subject numbers. Nationality: What country your character comes from. Appearance: The basic overall appearance of your character, including, but not limited to, hair, eye and skin colour, height, weight, tattoos, scars or any other unusual physical feature. Every subject in Facility B wears either a set of grey trousers and shirt (males) or a long, one-piece dress similar to a hospital gown (female). The only difference between these clothing is in square patch on the chest, the colour matching the individual’s security ranking. Transgendered individuals are permitted to wear the clothing of the gender they identify with. Background: A short, 1-3 paragraph extract of your character’s life up to and including them becoming subjects in Facility B. Doesn’t need to be huge. Powers: This should be the meat of the character sheet. What exactly makes your character an anomalous individual? Characters should have no more than two powers and their requisite secondary powers, and there must be a relation between them (I.E, no telepathy and then laser eyes, they don’t go together.) Run powers past me first, as I will need to make sure everything’s kosher. Privileges: Those who behave in Facility B earn improved privileges, encouraging further good behaviour from them and encouraging it in others. A basic Facility B room contains a bed and (depending on security rating) a camera. Common privileges include desks, dressers, cupboards, books, writing implements, snacks such as coffee and cigarettes (although not alcohol.) Essentially, to what extent the staff view you as a cooperative individual, and gives us a little insight into your character’s personality, intentionally left off of this sheet. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Sample Character: Bryan Caspian] [center] Full Name: Bryan C Caspian Age: 43 Years ID Number: MY-2200-BCC Nationality: American Appearance: MY-2200-BCC is a Caucasian male, measuring 158cm and weighing 84kgs as of [VOID]. MY-2200-BCC has cropped short black hair, as well as facial hair both below the nose, along the jawline and on the cheeks. MY-2200-BCC has minor stretch marks around his hips and stomach, but otherwise no distinguishing features. MY-2200-BCC wears male clothing. Background: MY-2200-BCC was born on the 6th of June, [VOID] in Wichita, Kansas. MY-2200-BCC had a typical early childhood, despite living close to the poverty line for most of his life. MY-2200-BCC currently believes his anomalous nature to have manifested around his 13th birthday, although his control over his anomalous properties was poor. MY-2200-BCC graduated high school and entered a community vocational school in order to become a plumber. MY-2200-BCC’s anomalous nature proved extremely useful. He married at age 23, and would go on to have three children, two male, one female, Anomalous Containment Staff were made aware of MY-2200-BCC on [VOID] after an incident where [VOID] (See Addendum 1.) MY-2200-BCC fully cooperated with staff throughout his transportation to Facility B and has been one of our most compliant subjects ever to be contained within Facility B. Powers: MY-2200-BCC is a lithokineticist, with the ability to manipulate minerals within a 3-metre radius of his body. This can appear as if to be telekinesis; however, the versatility and power of this ability is vastly reduced when compared to full telekinesis. As Facility B’s walls are all thicker than 3-metres, MY-2200-BCC can be generally considered to be completely anomalously impotent, however there is always the potential of his powers being able to affect unforeseen materials, and as such he should never be considered to be fully disabled. Privileges: [list] [*] Desk [*] Bedside dresser [*] Bedside lamp [*] Freestanding lamp [*] Monthly supply of [VOID] brand cigarettes. [*] Improved rations [*] Small bookshelf [*] 30 books, including, but not limited to, Moby Dick, Typee and The Modernised King Lear. [*] The returning of a gold and diamond wedding ring. [SECURITY NOTE; SUBJECT CAN CONTROL THIS RING USING HIS ANOMALOUS PROPERTIES. PAY INCREASED CAUTION TO SUBJECT’S HANDS, AND ENSURE THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED PRIOR TO ANY EXPERIMENTATION. [*] Small ottoman [/list] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Colour coded for your convenience] All subjects are fitted with heavyset (padded) steel collars. These collars act not only as power limiters, with technology tailored to the subject’s specific anomalous properties, but they also contain a small explosive charge that can be detonated in case of extreme danger to staff. With the collars malfunctioning, neither of these two features are working. [colour=ed1c24]RED:[/colour] High Security. Red subjects are those that have been deemed significantly dangerous to personnel and property. Red subjects are monitored 24/7 via cameras, and red wing is built like a bunker, with reinforced doors, suppressive staff never more than 30 seconds away at any time and all beds in red block have been fitted with metal restraints, which are used liberally. Typical red powers tend to be flashy, powerful, dangerous, but may be lacking in utility. The archetypal red power is pyrokinetics- the ability to spontaneously create and manipulate vast amounts of fire. [colour=fff200]YELLOW:[/colour] Medium Security. Yellow subjects are those that have been deemed mildly dangerous to personnel and property. Yellow subjects have more freedom when compared to their red security brethren, including no cameras and no restraints on their beds. Typical yellow powers tend to be less immediately powerful and flashy, but have a wider and more varied uses other than pure destruction. The archetypal yellow power is hydrokinetics- the ability to control water around the subject. [color=00aeef]BLUE:[/color] Low Security. Blue subjects are those that have been deemed of little danger to personnel and property. Blue subjects generally have large amounts of freedom, with restraints on them being little more than you would see in a regular jail. Typical blue abilities, despite not having the raw destructive power of red or yellow abilities, can still prove incredibly useful. It is impossible to declare an ‘archetypal’ blue ability; however, some common powers include absolute mimicry and infrared vision. [color=92278f]PURPLE:[/color] Special Security: Purple subjects are unique in that their danger is now what earns them their ranking. Purple subjects may not be particularly dangerous, but instead possess powers that render typical methods of containment difficult or near impossible. Much like their red counterparts, purple subjects are under 24/7 maintenance, and as well as power limiting collars, also receive two redundant power limiting bracelets, as bed restraints would usually be ineffective. Much like blue powers, there is no ‘archetypal’ purple, nor are purple powers generally ‘common’ to one another. Purple powers have included intangibility, null personhood and matter transmutation. [/hider] [center][url=https://discord.gg/qQT5S6J]Come on in to the Discord server![/url][/center]