[hider=Linde K. Heartily-Walton] [color=#B0E0A3][CENTER][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200207/ace30bd8c6b4b4ca0b0a1de32047f921.png [/img] “Linde is my name so please don’t try to make me angry. Or your face will be rearranged by my fist. If you dare to touch my love, Theresa. You will wish you were never born.”[/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img] https://i.imgur.com/VGPDkP2l.png [/img] [color=#B0E0A3][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER]Wild Rebel [color=#B0E0A3][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] United States of America [color=#B0E0A3][b]|[/b][/color] Huntsville, Alabama [color=#B0E0A3][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#B0E0A3]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]DOB[/B][COLOR=#B0E0A3] – 04/01/1940 5:00 PM[/COLOR] ► [B]Age[/B][COLOR=#B0E0A3] - 19[/COLOR] ► [B]Height[/B][COLOR=#B0E0A3] - 5’9”[/COLOR] ► [b]Weight[/b][COLOR=#B0E0A3] - 145[/COLOR] ► [b]Hair Color[/b][COLOR=#B0E0A3] - Brown[/COLOR] ► [b]Eye Color[/b][COLOR=#B0E0A3] - Green[/COLOR] ► [b]Role[/b][COLOR=#B0E0A3] – Automatic Rifleman[/COLOR] ► [b]Rank[/b][COLOR=#B0E0A3] – Private[/COLOR] ► [b]Sexuality[/b][COLOR=#B0E0A3] - Homosexual[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/b] [color=#B0E0A3][indent]Linde stands at 5’9” tall, which is different for someone from the Heartily Family. It’s mostly because most of the women within that family are around 5’6 or shorter. Basically she’s the only outlier in her family, which is saying something. In the case of how she looks, she’s very beautiful with a slight tinge of being constantly angry or what not about certain things in her life that didn’t come up peachy. It’s in her body language, however, she has a slight air of happiness when she’s around her lover Theresa. She can smile wonderfully, even though she goes back to having a mood differing what her lover is all about. Her green eyes show she’s always looking for answers to specific things, which is how to get back at her mother Angela. It doesn’t help that every time she remembers what her mother had said to her she gets a tinge angry and has to punch something or yell. There’s a slight fire in her eyes, which wants to show up and destroy the problem in her life, which is primarily her mother. Her hair is brown, however, it used to be much longer than it is at least past her lower back. She cut it to be much more reasonable to handle while joining the military. It showed that she grew up with a caring family at least, with the understanding of how military doctrine works in the Marines. In terms of her outright fitness, she’s athletic and has an hourglass figure at the same time. However, she dislikes wearing anything that would make her much more feminine it’s mostly because of the fact, dresses makes her embarrassed to wear. She would rather wear, shorts over a skirt any day. It basically means she’s tomboyish over being a girl, it’s mostly because of her complete lack of fashion sense in that department. As well, she carries a massive chip on her shoulder, which she can easily talk about it since it shows pretty easily. It’s mostly because of her mother’s lack of caring towards her. She also has fair beautifully smooth skin, which is mostly because she keeps herself healthy. She wears the basic military uniform, without any alterations to it, since its better that way. In terms of everything, she would rather marvel at the world in her distinctive lack of knowledge perspective. She would want to deal with everything a basis of caution or slight recklessness as long as it is deemed necessary. She has a slight less thick southern accent compared to her lover Theresa’s accent. It’s all for the protection of her love of her life, which is why she wears the Promise Ring on her right hand on its ring finger. However, she hates how hot it gets in Vietnam but wouldn’t want to strip down since there are [i]men[/i] in her platoon. [/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/b] [INDENT][color=#B0E0A3]Linde was always wanting to get something more in her life, which would be from her mother Angela. However, she has never gotten it within all her life, because of her mother’s outright mean and hateful attitude to Sasha, Heather and her. It stunted her mental growth in one specific way, which she usually gets into fights and constantly bursts into a temper tantrum. Her attitude problems put her into the wrong crowd most of the time, because of what should’ve been her biggest supporter not there. However, her father and older sister was there all the way, but it caused her not really fall for the opposite gender because they would rather use someone like her. It’s the primary reason why she went lesbian because of her mother issues, however, she primarily distrusts men. She would rather punch them in the face if they piss her off a bit too much. There was one person in her life that she had a crush on but couldn’t really tell her these feelings. Theresa was her crush, since she was a popular and well knowledgeable girl on more feminine perspective. In terms, she was a bit jealous of how beautiful Theresa was, which usually caused her to fight her. The biggest problem was she learned really early on, she was a genius. Even more so than her mother and father combined, which was a bit shocking. It’s the primary reason why her father couldn’t really understand what was wrong with her. At least he was there for her unlike her mother, who was an utter bitch and constantly called her a mistake. It was obvious she definitely got that from her mother, which is why she was definitely mean when came to her fighting other people. Dirty fighting was mostly what she was good at. It’s a bit strange, that she never once tried to take anything alike a vice a miracle you could say. She would rather use her fists to take her frustration out on other than the alternatives. Angela, her mother became a drunk, smokes and what not [i]after[/i] her fourth child. Linde cares deeply for her sisters because of the fact its better to stick together than not. She tries to keep a slight positive attitude around her younger sister Heather since she’s trying to understand everything that’s happening. However, the biggest shock to her system was when Sasha, Heather and her was adopted into the Walton Family by Kevin’s insistence. She took it very hard, even harder than her twin and younger sister. It was mostly because of the lies her mother Angela told her about the Walton’s and the fact she was living in the same house as her crush now. However, she saw how kind and nice Jessica was and couldn’t help but go to her room in tears. The biggest thing that happened to her was Theresa’s kindness and kissing her on the cheek, which was what she said. It caused her to go with her true feelings and kiss Theresa on the lips directly, which was basically apologizing to Theresa for fighting her in School. From that day on, her attitude changed slightly but only slightly she decided to get to truly know the Walton Family. Theresa is helping her and making her much happier, which returned her smile to her face. She wants to protect Theresa, while Theresa wants to protect her as well. Additionally, she’s pretty creeped out by the letters she gets from her cousin Devin. It is a bit of a thing that makes her skin crawl and hopefully she’ll never see him. However, because of her slightly more relaxed self, she can at least joke around guys even though she still distrusts them. She likes playing cards, because its something to do relaxing. However, she’s not very good at it since she hasn’t really played anything other than Black Jack. Her lover on the other hand is pretty good at playing cards, it’s a bit of another thing she has to learn about. The biggest problem that stays with her is her mother issues and the fact her mother never can take a joke. Angela is a bit too serious all the time and only ever wanted Pauline, which hurts still from all this time. At least, Sasha and Heather is taking being in the Walton Family better than she did. The alternative creeps her out big time, living with her cousins in Mobile, Alabama. However, she did hear that [i]her mother[/i] suggested that Sasha, Heather and her moved to Mobile, Alabama and that pissed her off big time. It caused her to curse up a storm for a bit but was told by Jessica to calm the hell down. Jessica told her that’s the reason why they adopted the three of them because of what Angela suggested. Kevin didn’t want his daughters to live with his brother Steve since he’s a bit of a traditionalist in those types of ways. It made her shiver down her spine because of that and was grateful she lives in the Walton’s house much more.[/color][/INDENT] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/b] [hider=Linde’s History][color=#B0E0A3][INDENT]Angela Tina Heartily and Kevin Victor Heartily gained two new additions on April 1, 1940, which were three minutes apart from each other. Linde Kayla Heartily was born at 5:00 PM in Room 193 of the Crestwood Medical Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Angela outright didn’t want anymore children and only wanted her first born daughter Pauline. The fact it was her birthday on top of giving birth to two more children made her really irritable and annoyed at her husband for doing this to her. She yelled at her husband for the awful thing he had done to her. However, she stopped because there’s only one family in the whole world that would probably be the best fit for her children, and that’s her [i]childhood[/i] friend Jessica. Frenemies most of the time they were when growing up in Huntsville, Alabama, however, there was always Kevin’s brother Steve to take care of the unwanted children. Kevin basically told his wife to shut up and take care of Sasha and Linde since they need to be taken care of. Angela sighed and yelled back at Kevin and wished he stayed at Mobile, Alabama and his friend Nathan stayed in Indiana. It was that moment when Nathan walked in the room and he definitely heard what she said. Nathan was a bit unrelentingly angry at what she said, specifically at the fact she outright didn’t care about anything to do with her twin daughters nor any other children that Kevin wanted. Nathan outright yelled at Angela and that’s when the female on the bed after giving birth outright shut the hell up. Angela was basically caught between two men that were the best of friends, even though one is from Indiana and the other is from South Alabama. However, she did ask about Jessica’s well being, mostly because she wouldn’t want her rival and childhood friend to die. Nathan told Kevin and her that Jessica gave birth to Ashley and Theresa, at the same time as her. Angela outright hated that, which there is definitely a demon at work here. She grumbled some more and cursed at god for this inconvenience, it was a bit extreme. But she wasn’t really a church goer at all, which helped her in the long run in some cases. Kevin just face palmed at this and asked Nathan to kindly to leave and return to his wife so he doesn’t have to get an ear full of this shit. Nathan agreed and left Kevin and Angela to bicker about everything. Angela lived her life as best as possible, with basically forcing her firstborn daughter Pauline to take care of the little sisters instead. Angela definitely couldn’t take a joke and didn’t enjoy it neither. However, a year later all this changed she at least had to act like she cared. It was because her husband Kevin Victor Heartily had to join the United States Military in the US Marines Corps. Only because he was friends with Nathan and wanted to do something other than staying at home worrying about everything. However, he told his firstborn daughter to keep Angela in check since she does love her more than anything. It is obvious that this is the only way he can keep an eye on his wife without being here. Kevin wanted to at least repay Elliot for telling him how Gregory Iain Heartily fought for his country bravely as a US Marine. He wanted to make his mother stop grieving in Mobile, Alabama by showing that the Heartily Family can come back from a war. However, he was grateful his brother Steve wasn’t allowed to join the war because of his physical traumas basically a broken tendon, twisted leg and slight annoyance of being a Traditionalist in his family. [hr] Four Years Later, Linde had a major problem from the get go, her mother absolutely didn’t love her at all. As well, her twin sister was having the same problems but hid it better. However, what was a shock was that Kevin returned from the war being honorably discharged since he was injured but alive. He protected his best friend from dying to enemy fire but only being injured in the leg in the return. He was grateful he saved Nathan even though he couldn’t finish the war. When he returned to his home he met his twin daughters and gave them a hug. It would take a long time for his leg to heal, which would probably be when the war ends. However, he didn’t really notice anything to different about them at first until Linde asked her father about why does mother hates me. It took that one instance to basically get him annoyed and call his wife into the room. Angela saw Kevin injured and was terrified, however, she felt like he was going to lecture her. However, she rebutted him by saying if he hadn’t left for war she could have done other things. Instead of taking care of the worthless kids, which deserve to go to hell, I didn’t want them at all. It was the second time she had spoken these words out loud, which she cared not of her children’s feelings what so ever. Kevin was utterly shocked in what she said, it’s like her goal is to destroy this family from the inside. He calmly told her, they will talk later, however, he asked his daughters how their day was. The pleasantries were mostly about how Linde threw a temper tantrum in preschool [i]again[/i] but the Preschool Teacher put a good word in to help her get into Kindergarten. He was proud of his daughters in becoming a Kindergartner. It was a step forward to reach her full potential as an academic. Even though it’ll take a while for that to happen, since they haven’t really figured out the proper ideal thing. Linde couldn’t help but feel a bit frustrated, however, when she went to bed. She heard the biggest of fights in the front room, it was between her mother Angela and her father Kevin. Kevin basically yelled at her for about hours on hours about her obligations to her daughters. Including, that he told her that he wants four total children instead of just the one she wanted. This made Angela literally tell him to go fuck himself sideways with a rusty shovel. The additional of children is something she had never had to deal with. It’s mostly because of the fact she’s an only child, which her parents pushed onto her to only have one. This was finally out of the bag in why she didn’t enjoy giving birth to Sasha then Linde on her birth of all things. Angela and Kevin slept in different rooms for right that second since one he was utterly exhausted and couldn’t keep up yelling at his wife for her stubbornness. She grumbled about something, since she was in contact with someone that’s related to Kevin but didn’t say anything about it. Kevin took his daughters to the park, the next day, which was on April 16, 1945. He met Jessica and asked his daughters to play in the park with Jessica’s two daughters she brought with her. The parents talked about important things, which would go over the head of Linde at least. It’s mostly because she wants her mother’s attention badly and cannot get it. However, she had her first true interaction with Theresa. Theresa was being a nice little girl introducing herself. While Linde just started being mean and hateful towards Theresa with her words, repeating word for word what her mother told her to say. It was a bit of a thing, since it caused Theresa to cry. However, this caused Pauline to tell her little sister, who has an attitude problem to apologize. But, Linde wouldn’t apologize what so ever to Theresa and saying, if I have to apologize to her I would rather die of envy. Pauline gently smacked Linde on the face and told her to apologize or Kevin and Jessica will get involved. Linde reluctantly apologized to Theresa, it was a half hearted apology. But its better than having Kevin or Jessica get involved into this fight. She couldn’t help but feel a bit terrified when her father Kevin and Jessica walked up to them. Kevin looked at Pauline and then at Linde and sighed deeply. Heavily frustrated at Angela’s darkening influence on their daughters. When Jessica told him goodbye he said it back and told her good luck in her endeavors. Kevin took awhile to return home with his three daughters since he wanted to take a detour to get some groceries. It was an uneventful trip to the grocery store at least but when they got home. He literally looked directly at his daughter Pauline and asked [i]why[/i] she smacked Linde’s face. Pauline told him specifically the reasons why, she was being completely antisocial to Theresa and cursed at her. As well, as what she said when she didn’t want to apologize. Kevin looked at Linde and sighed. He hugged Linde deeply and told her he loves her no matter what but living in this house is hurting her. In terms, he told her the honest truth that her mother Angela will [i]never[/i] love her. It’s the cold hard truth but Linde outright ran to her room crying, because she couldn’t believe it. If she never will love her then why does she talk to her. However, Linde was going to have a rude awakening sooner or later about what her father said is one hundred percent true. [hr] April 6, 1946 was a miserable day for the Heartily Family as a whole, Kevin or Pauline had no idea where Angela was. Kevin was at the Walton’s Home having a returner home party for Nathan. Since he was a bit worried in how bad the injury was and they did get injured in the same place. It was only five days after their daughter’s sixth birthday and 7 days away until Pauline’s 15 year birthday. Kevin was talking niceties about certain things in their life, basically about his frustration at certain things. How their day has been and whispered to his friend Nathan that he doesn’t have any idea where his wife is at. This information kinda worried Nathan hopefully nothing bad happens at their daughter’s elementary school. Nathan agreed that it was a definite god send, even though he will probably never be able to fight again in a war. AT least he fought for five years in World War II and had enough of that experience to last him a lifetime. When Nathan brought up that he should relax and recover in a happy tone before having another child. Since he can barely move his left leg, it’ll take at least two years at most to be much better off. Jessica wasn’t surprised in the least, which it was better to wait. If anything, their daughters need to grow up first before adding another addition. Kevin laughed slightly, which he asked about they both having another kid at the same time again, where the birth happens three years and 12 days from now. It intrigued Jessica and Nathan in why he specifically picked April 18, 1949. Kevin basically said, that’s when something special happens, ala, the truth of what Angela is hiding. Nathan sighed when he said that because he knew exactly what Angela’s been hiding, however, his wife Jessica on the other hand had no clue. Kevin knew the look on Jessica’s face it was heavily curious in what is going on, however, she’ll rather wait for a certain time frame before knowing. Linde was at school while her father was at Theresa’s house celebrating the return of Nathan. However, there was a guest speaker at her school in her classroom, which was odd. It was no other than her own mother Angela Tina Heartily for some odd reason. However, Angela started talking in a slight drunken state really angry looking directly at the two twin sets in the classroom. She absolutely despised Jessica, Nathan, Kevin and everyone who has more than one child, which included herself. Angela went off big time on Sasha and Linde, completely and utterly yelling at them calling them every single name under the sun, including worthless piles of trash. But she started to curse at the other students as well, which gave her a smile on her face when Linde and Sasha shrink in their chairs and tried to hide from their mother’s outburst. Linde was definitely terrified in what was happening, it made her realize that her father Kevin was completely right. Linde started to cry uncontrollably at the announcement from her mother Angela’s announcement. However, Linde couldn’t really understand why her own mother would come to their school drunk. Angela was dragged off of the premise by the cops, and told her not to come back into the school. When it was time to get out of school, she knew she would have to walk by her mother, which terrified her. However, she saw a bit of a scene, that shocked her it was Theresa basically yelling at Angela for being unjustly cruel. Something snapped in her when Angela smacked Theresa onto the ground, she basically came to Theresa’s rescue. She told her mother to stop, and Angela did for a split second. Angela reasonably was a bit shocked to have her daughter finally stand up to her. However, she said to her daughter one more time, better not ever try anything like protect anyone nor love anyone since they will all use you. It’s how the world works, and its better to be the user than the used. Angela walked back to home. Theresa was utterly shocked in what Linde did to her, however, Linde backhandedly tried to say something what she’s not thinking. It was instinct to do what she did, anyone would do the same for her, she hoped. Linde told Theresa that her mother was going to be her senseless until she was unconscious, since Angela is definitely mean. Linde stayed crying and asked Theresa if she could come home with her since Kevin is at Theresa’s house. And please only tell our dads about the incident since your mother would be furious. It wouldn’t be a good idea to involve our mothers since mine just said she hates yours. They made it to the Walton Home, at least it is closer to the school than not. Kevin was interrupted with his party, when Linde walked into the front room crying her little eyes out. It hurt him, however, what was worse was what happened to Theresa it heavily made the mood sour. Nathan almost broke his no cursing code for once in his life. However, he calmed down and knew his wife would be able to help calm down Linde. [hr] April 18, 1949 was a quite a wonderful time for Linde herself. However, not as much as it could’ve been since she had a new little sister, which her mother didn’t once cared about. Angela was definitely not a happy mother who gave birth to another child. After bringing home Heather, she made her husband Kevin and the other children take care of it. It was definitely obvious, she lost her drive to even care the slightest. As long as she saw her daughter Pauline, she would at least talk to her a bit but nothing more than that. It was a sad day for the entire Heartily Family, which made Linde even more unstable in her school. She constantly got into fights and what not because of her mother’s outright detachment to her younger children. However, she heard her mother and father get into a fight, which escalated into something that made Kevin shut up for awhile. It was the suggestion that Sasha, Linde and Heather moved to Mobile, Alabama to live with Steve. This suggestion made Kevin really angry and walked out of the door to do something, which basically made his older daughter Pauline responsible for Sasha, Linde, and Heather. Pauline was more of a mother figure to her little sisters than their own mother was. It was a bit troubling, but they didn’t really know where their father went to cool his head off. Since, Sasha and her was definitely felt a chill down their spine when their mother said those exact words. Because they knew how much their father doesn’t want to ever see his twin brother Steve after they got into an ideological war between the old ways and new. [hr] April 19, 1952, it was exactly 3 years later, which was another trying time for the Heartily Family. Angela started getting into hardcore drugs, drinking much more heavily and even smoking to fall deeper into darkness. She was extremely even more so angry and aggressive to her children, including Pauline. It is like she lost who she was altogether and couldn’t ever get out of the darkness because she lost hope for herself. However, there was some light in the tunnel Sasha, Linde and Heather was adopted into the Walton Family. Linde was against the entire thing since she always fought with Theresa in school. However, the reasons for that is because her innate wanting to be front and center of attention. But Theresa was much more popular, which she couldn’t really handle. When they arrived to the Walton Family home, they were welcome with open arms. The Walton’s specifically Jessica took it on herself to show the three newcomers something other than the hate they witnessed. Linde learned very early on, her mother Angela had a restraining order on her to never see her younger children again. It is only because of the fact of how cruel and mentally unstable Angela has became. Linde was slightly still remembering what her mother had said about the Walton Family, through one of her drunken stupors. It made her run to Theresa’s room specifically and start crying about never being allowed to see her mother again. Even though, her mother was the reason for her outbursts in School and why she was going with a bad crowd in school. Her mother’s self-destruction was cataclysmic to the Heartily Family, which is saying something since Angela wasn’t that sound of mind when marrying Kevin. However, Theresa walked into her own room and noticed Linde crying, it made her hurt a bit about the whole thing. She decided to do the only thing she thought was right, which was hugging and kiss Linde on the cheek. Theresa told Linde, [i]’everything will be alright, you will never have to go down the dark path because of what your mother did to you.’[/i] These words made Linde sincerely start crying and realize that all the words that her mother was filling her with was lies. It caused Linde to do the one thing that shocked Theresa big time, which was kissing her directly on the lips and finally apologizing to her. In terms of all the times she beat up Theresa, while going to school. However, it seems the damage done to her was permanent since from that day, she’ll will never be a proper A+ Valedictorian in her school. However, it made her truly fall in love with Theresa in helping her out of the darkness, which she was about to fall into alike her mother. Theresa made her blush by saying, she looks adorable crying since she is. It made her definitely smile at that, which is the reason why the two girls live in the same room since there’s an extra bed in Theresa’s bedroom. This is because Jessica made sure to get extra beds for the new additions to the Walton Family. It was a bit of a strange thing to feel loved for Linde. However, her twin sister Sasha and her younger sister Heather were definitely enjoying the change of pace in feeling loved by an actual caring mother. However, a few months later, a strange letter arrived for her, which had Devin Stephan Heartily on it. It was a love letter, which creeped her out completely and made her feel gross. She didn’t want to respond to the letter since it might make him send more letters to her. The one thing she’s grateful for she found love already and it was Theresa Linde Walton, rather than someone who is related to her. She showed Jessica the letter, which was a bit appalled in the letter in the cutesy words of affection and what not. It was definitely a gag reflex to the letter in question, which Jessica tossed it in the trash. Jessica would trash these letters specifically from Devin or anyone from Steve’s family. Because Cousins shouldn’t be dating or marrying each other since that’s just wrong. [hr] Linde barely graduated High School with only a C+ Grade at most. It was May 31, 1958, which was almost four months after the Declaration of War in Vietnam. However, this was the month where Linde and Theresa was given their promise rings by Jessica after graduating High School. It was basically a late birthday present gift, which the Walton Family had to save up for them. She wanted her two daughters to live happily, even though she didn’t want them to go to the Vietnam War. However, Linde told Jessica, it would be better to fight against the Communists than allowing them to control the world. It showed a bit of a slight thing, which she wanted to show up her mother in some way. Even though, she has no idea what is happening with her mother. Jessica wondered if her own daughter will join the war, with Linde. However, the look on Theresa’s face was definitely square on protecting and being protected by Linde. It was a sad day, however, at least their twins didn’t really know what to do. Jessica told them good luck in their training at boot camp if they truly wanted to join the same branch as Nathan and Kevin before them. The two of them, whom was answering the call to join the war. They were driven to the nearest recruiting office specifically for the US Marines by Nathan specifically. Since he works as a contractor for building the neighborhood in Huntsville now. But he will always miss being a US Marine in the Second Great War. They had to go through evaluations before joining the US Marine Corps, which was only because of Linde’s specific problems within her school. It was a slight red flag to the recruitment officer in the US Marine Recruitment Building in Huntsville, Alabama. However, she answered all the recruitment officer’s questions completely and truthfully. She wanted to specifically join the military to help out her country against the North Vietnamese because Communism is bad. Her father even fought in the Second Great War, even though not for long. The Recruitment Officer was a bit skeptical about Linde joining the war, but Theresa vouched for her saying, she was saved from the darkness. He sighed with a bit of annoyance since he constantly remembers an old geezer, which constantly comes in here to talk about the good old days of World War 1. His last name is the same as Theresa’s, which made him rub his forehead. He knew how much the US Government needs new recruits into every branch of the military, and he accepted them in the US Marines. Basic training, will take until June since it is 12 weeks long plus 4 days of in-processing time. If they at least deal with Basic, they will be sent to Vietnam. However, if there is any type of delay they will have to wait to be deployed in Vietnam at least next year. Because it’ll be tough since its to break you down then build you back up. If it wasn’t for Theresa’s clothes she was wearing after graduating High School and willing to join the Military directly at 18 years old with Linde. Linde wouldn’t have any chances to join the military because of her mental deficiencies with specifically her mother Angela. There was a shocker to Linde in hearing the name of the Recruiter, which is Nikolas Leo Smith. He is Angela’s younger brother, but their parents never told Angela that she had a younger brother. [hr] The Basic Training was rough for Linde, even more than on anyone else in it. However, she tried her hardest to at least pass it. There was many things that was a pain in the ass, the biggest was how damned early they had to wake up. She tried not to show her emotions as much since the Drill Sergeants, would love a cry baby to yell at. They basically preemptively targeted Linde since she had many problems and prone to tears. It took at least until half way through her basic training she started to toughen up a bit and took no real shit from anyone. It was basically how she was called [i]’Wild Rebel’[/i] because of her fighting style. She had much pent up anger in her, which was a definite nice thing for the Marine Corps. It’s probably because of the fact of her mother not carrying for her, which she always fought dirty in school. She gained a bit of a following from the other girls in basic, in terms of the training camp in Alabama. Even though she usually stayed hanging around Theresa since they wore matching rings. When Basic Training was finished, it was a bit shocking to be honest for her, she actually done something that wasn’t in the shadow of her mother. It felt invigorating compared to all the times she felt helpless or completely frustrated at her mother Angela. For not loving her alike a true mother, at least she does have a more true mother now than she did, which is Theresa’s mother. It was very relieving, however, the answer of the results of her basic training. It was shocking to say the least, it wasn’t great where she would start at a higher rank but basically as average as her grades were in school. Therefore, she would start out as a Private. However, there was even more bad news, her wave of soldiers to the frontlines of Vietnam would be delayed until 1959. It was mostly because of they had to be transferred to a certain point to reach their destination. Alabama, all the way to Vietnam would take awhile to reach the start of their military careers. [hr] 1959: She arrived in the Vietnam Jungles in the Third Wave, which was a bit of a frustrating thing. However, the Sergeant is named Lucas J. Whittaker, who she was a bit excited to join in arms. Even though in her head she didn’t really enjoy being around men, unless they show if they aren’t outright distrustful. It’s mostly because of the fact she’s worried for Theresa’s safety that’s about it. As long as she does something good for her country, she doesn’t really mind what rank she started as, ala Private. She’ll do whatever it takes to help her and Theresa to get home. However, Vietnam is not alike World War I nor World War II for instance, since its definitely in the deep jungles of Vietnam. Having to deal with a Communist menace of the North Vietnamese. Linde doesn’t really know the person above the Sergeant, ala the Captain for that instance. However, she’ll probably learn about who that is sooner than later.[/INDENT][/color][/hider] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/sub][/b] [color=#B0E0A3][INDENT] [color=E9AB17]Mother Issues:[/color] Linde’s biggest problem is the fact her mother Angela T. Heartily was an utter bitch to Sasha, Heather and her. Basically didn’t like the joke of having Sasha and Linde on April 1, 1940, three minutes apart. She had never once gotten the well needed love from her mother, only hate and dismissive behavior. It made her definitely a problem child during her growth, got into many fights because of it. [color=E9AB17]Spirited Youth:[/color] Linde was a spirited youth, as much as the next person. She was definitely a child that was definitely misunderstood, not even her father really knew what was wrong with her. In that case, she was basically a rebel or black sheep to what authority figures in her life. She was intelligent though, but misused that intelligence to basically get her way in fights she would have. [color=E9AB17]Caring:[/color] Unlike her mother Angela, she was definitely much more caring to people in her life. When they showed her the truth about the matters of the heart and soul. She took the adoption to the Walton Family, the hardest and realized one simple fact her mother caused all her problems. However, she never will ever see her mother in a different light other than being a cruel bitch, which it took Theresa to show her these things. [color=E9AB17]Creeped Out/Distrusts Men:[/color] Linde outright doesn’t really like men, in a sense of love type of way. It was mostly because of the fact her father Kevin wanted her to pursue her own way of the heart. It’s the primary reason she is in love with Theresa and outright hates the creepy nature of her cousin Devin. It’s the primary reason why she tries to protect Theresa from any of those [i]creepy men[/i] that want her for outright outlandish things. It is one of the reasons why she’s straight up homosexual. [color=E9AB17]Kinda of a Bitch:[/color] Linde is somewhat alike her mother and shows people her slightly darker side, when they don’t show her any amount of respect. She makes sure they will know it by an easy punch to the face or giving them an insult. It shows them, she wants to protect the only love in her life and that is Theresa Linde Walton.[/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/b] [color=#B0E0A3][INDENT] - [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/e9/9d/42e99da69929243d44329311367f4770.jpg ]M21A2 Bipod Rifle[/url] – With a 3x Optic Scope - [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:M1917_revolver.jpg]M1917 Revolver Pistol[/url] - [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/M7_Bayonet_%26_M8A1_Sheath_MOD.jpg/1200px-M7_Bayonet_%26_M8A1_Sheath_MOD.jpg]M7 Bayonet[/url] – For the M21A2 Bipod Rifle. - [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c138ab73-02c8-43a9-b13c-0e79a168d98c.jpg]M3 Combat Knife[/url] - [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7c/1e/94/7c1e9486013b9a31c560305baee7211c.jpg ]Standard Issue Webbing[/url] - [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/M-61Grenade.jpg/371px-M-61Grenade.jpg]M26A1 Hand Grenade[/url] – Three - [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/ANM8_grenade.jpg/220px-ANM8_grenade.jpg]ANM8 Smoke Grenade[/url] - [url=https://us.pandora.net/dw/image/v2/AAVX_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-pandora-master-catalog/default/dw85bae8c7/productimages/main/196251CZ_RGB.JPG?sw=1000&sh=1000&sm=fit&sfrm=png&bgcolor=F5F5F5]Promise Ring[/url] – Wears on her right hand, ring finger. - [url=http://imgs.abduzeedo.com/files/tutorials/vintage_traveler_diary_tut/picture10.jpg]Linde’s Diary[/url] – She written down many things within this diary already, but still has more room for the War.[/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]A F F I L I A T I O N S[/sub][/b] [hider=The Heartily Family][INDENT] [color=E9AB17]Diary Entry:[/color] [color=silver]Linde’s Experience in the Heartily Family[/color] [color=#B0E0A3]”I have to say… I wish my mother loved Sasha, Heather and me. It wouldn’t be so hard on me if she actually said that word at least once… But all she said is [i]’Worthless Kids go to hell, I didn’t want you.’[/i] It is heartbreaking to be honest… but the alternative would be living with my Uncle’s family in Mobile, Alabama. My father requested his friend’s family to adopt Sasha, Heather and me. I am happy for that decision even though it is depressing, I will never be able to reconcile with my mother because of her words of cruelty towards me. I’ve always had mother issues because of that, it’s probably why I get into fights a ton and constantly get in trouble with anyone and everyone. Sasha and Heather on the other hand is handling it a bit better than I am. I didn’t really want to live with the Walton’s, its mostly because I thought their mother Jessica would be exactly alike mine. I even fought with Theresa Linde Walton a few times… I wish I hadn’t punched her but it was the words of my mother that made me do it all those times. Theresa’s will was extremely strong and never once fought back against my temper tantrums in and out of school. It was always threw me off in why she allowed herself to be my punching bag.”[/color] [color=E9AB17]Diary Entry Ends[/color] [color=B0E0A3] - [color=E9AB17]Gregory Iain Heartily[/color] (Grandfather/26 --- Dead) (DOB: September 6, 1892) - [color=E9AB17]Amanda Lily Heartily[/color] (Grandmother/66 --- Alive) (DOB: September 11, 1893) - [color=E9AB17]Kevin Victor Heartily[/color] (Father/46 –-- Alive) (DOB: March 8, 1913) - [color=E9AB17]Angela Tina Heartily[/color] (Mother/45 --- Alive) (DOB: April 1, 1914) - [color=E9AB17]Pauline Nina Heartily[/color] (Older Sister/28 --- Alive) (DOB: April 13, 1931) - [color=E9AB17]Sasha Irina Heartily[/color] (Twin Sister/19 --- Alive) (DOB: April 1, 1940 – 4:57 PM) - [color=E9AB17]Heather Lyndis Heartily[/color] (Younger Sister/10 --- Alive) (DOB: April 18, 1949) [hr] - [color=E9AB17]Steve Bobby Heartily[/color] (Uncle/46 --- Alive) (DOB: March 8, 1913) - [color=E9AB17]Mary Windsor Heartily[/color] (Aunt/44 --- Alive) (DOB: April 3, 1915) - [color=E9AB17]Liana Flower Heartily[/color] (Cousin/26 --- Alive) (DOB: April 26, 1933) - [color=E9AB17]Devin Stephan Heartily[/color] (Cousin/19 --- Alive) (DOB: March 31, 1940) - [color=E9AB17]Jasmine Raina Heartily[/color] (Cousin/19 --- Alive) (DOB: March 31, 1940) - [color=E9AB17]Noah Kyle Heartily[/color] (Cousin/14 --- Alive) (DOB: April 18, 1945) [/color][/indent][/hider][hider=The Walton Family][indent] [indent][color=E9AB17]Diary Entry:[/color] [color=silver]Linde’s Experience in the Walton Family[/color] [color=#B0E0A3]”When I was adopted into the Walton Family, I learned one specific thing. Jessica was the complete opposite of my mother in every single way, she was the kindest woman in the world. She’s probably the reason why Theresa never once fought back against me. It made me tear up and cry for about a long time, but when Theresa walked in on me crying… she shocked me in what she did. She gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek and said [i]’Everything will be alright Linde, you will never have to go down the dark path because of what your mother did to you.’[/i] However, I shocked her by kissing her back directly on the lips because of her kindness, showed me I was always wrong in fighting her when she never fought back. In the back of my head it made me particular realize one little thing, my mother was outright lying and trying to spread false rumors of the Walton’s this whole time. It is the one of the reasons, I didn’t want to be adopted in the first place. However, I want to talk to Jessica and her family and really get to know them better than what a bitch of a mother said about them. I’m grateful to Theresa in showing me the truth and I love her and will never leave her side.”[/color] [color=E9AB17]Diary Entry Ends[/color][/indent] [color=#B0E0A3] - [color=E9AB17]Elliot Stuart Walton[/color] (Adoptive Grandfather/67 --- Alive) (DOB: April 25, 1892) - [color=E9AB17]Emma Justine Walton[/color] (Adoptive Grandmother/66 --- Alive) (DOB: April 26, 1893) - [color=E9AB17]Nathan Leon Walton[/color] (Adoptive Father/46 --- Alive) (DOB: April 8, 1913) - [color=E9AB17]Jessica Luna Walton[/color] (Adoptive Mother/46 --- Alive) (DOB: April 10, 1913) - [color=E9AB17]Catherine Johanna Walton[/color] (Adoptive Older Sister/28 --- Alive) (DOB: April 12, 1931) - [color=E9AB17]Ashley Vina Walton[/color] (Adoptive Sister/19 --- Alive) (DOB: April 1, 1940 4:57 PM) - [color=E9AB17]Theresa Linde Walton[/color] (Adoptive Sister/19 --- Alive) (DOB: April 1, 1940 5:00 PM) - [color=E9AB17]Maria Hilda Walton[/color] (Adoptive Younger Sister/10 --- Alive) (DOB: April 18, 1949) [/color][/INDENT][/hider] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/b] [hider=Linde’s Feelings about other people][color=#B0E0A3][INDENT] [color=E9AB17]Theresa Linde Walton[/color] (Lover) “Theresa means the world to me, and I will never leave her side. She showed me that lies of a deceitful woman were just that, because I thought Jessica was a mean and hateful mother too. All because of my spiteful, hateful non-caring mother Ashley. The kindness she showed me in comforting me made us lovers and I will always protect her from anyone who dares to harm her feelings alike I tried all those years ago. Even though I still cannot really get over my mother issues because Ashley’s words to Sasha, Heather and me constantly go through my head and… I shake because of them. At least I have a supporter that keeps me going and trying to stop me of looking unto the past. I will probably never will forgive Ashley for what she had done to me.”[/INDENT][/color][/hider] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]T H E M E S O N G[/sub][/b] [color=#B0E0A3][indent][YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoCcPvQh7hk [/YouTube] [/indent][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][hr][color=#2e2c2c]-A Template by Load Wraith[/color][/COLOR][/hider]