Kijani sat as she was instructed, shutting her eyes and calming her breathing to slow, deep breaths. She reached out and felt... nothing at first. Not one to give up quickly, she tried again. Reach out with her feelings? All her life she'd been told that her feelings could cloud her judgement, and were to be kept carefully regulated. This was new. She felt her heart expanding, and suddenly, she felt it. She felt [i]everything[/i]. Adam sitting across from her, warm and gentle. The buzz of the two droids nearby. Further out; the rubble that was once her home. The hum of stars and the spin of planets. The looming presence of the Death Star. So many lives in one place, it was almost like a planet of it's own. Further in, she could feel the sparks that were soldiers and officers and cleaning droids and - what? "...f-father?" It shook her out of her meditation, and almost immediately her head and heart started to pound. "Agh..." She groaned very softly, burying her face in her hands. "Is it always that overwhelming?"