"Noted" Thaddeus said in a decidedly uncharacteristic relaxed manner. He acted that he didn't care because he honestly did not care. He didn't want do do anything that involved her and he expected reciprocity. The Catalyst where an unholy combination of alien and man. She was no exception, even if her banner was of the Talon. In the end he who wields the Devil's Sword will be slayed by it. Though now was a good time than any to make introductions. He noticed that she was finished making her test and was now simply sitting around her mech. Did she not know she was in the middle of a war? When the gaze of the Lord falls upon thou, be sure thou art at prayer. There were plans to make, litany of battles to preach, hatred to form for the enemy! Plans were useless, but planning on the other hand was indispensable! Yes, of course the damn Catalyst should know that, Thaddeus thought. He was being hard on her, and he knew that. But he just didn't care. Thaddeus went over to the platform for her mech and climbed the ladder up. Just as when he saw her at the distance, he saw her still just kicking her feet and staring at the ground. This angered Thaddeus to no end. At this point he wanted any excuse to be angry at this woman. "Are you making prayers to the Lord or picking out your grave plot?" he said in a snide manner.