[h1][color=33FFF3]Suigin Ikotsu[/color][/h1] Suigin was almost late for class at the sluggish pace he walked. His neutral face belied his true thoughts. He was considering skipping class to go hunt for the killer, but he believed he should at least go to school for one day. Just to remember why he's doing this. The class was mind-numbingly boring. It was just a female teacher introducing herself and explaining the schedule and what the class will consist of. While he started to yawn, his thoughts retreated to the back of his head. He focused on the memory of his dead friend and tried to pull out any clues he could think of from that scene. Bloody eye. Same thing as some other cases he heard about in this city. No possible way it could've been something external. It had to have been something internal for sure. Drugs? Poison? Kenji wasn't the type of person to use drugs. He smoked cigarettes, but he used nothing else. [color=33FFF3][i]'Could it have been external if someone ran an icepick through his eye all the way to his brain?'[/i][/color] He attempted to guess at the cause, but all it led him to was the surety of it being internal damage. [color=33FFF3]"Almost like a hemorrhage or a hyphema; however, those shouldn't be fatal,"[/color] he muttered aloud from an enlightenment. His mind went back to the classroom when he received the syllabus, but he didn't let go of that train of thought. He doesn't know what kinds of poisons or drugs could induce a hemorrhage or hyphema. He doesn't even know if that's actually how the victims died, but that's all he has to go on. The cause could be something even more elementary than that. [color=33FFF3][I]'So, I have a guess on the cause, but I don't even have any idea on who the culprit could be. Going outside should serve as a nice matrix for balanced schemes.'[/I][/color] He just needs to wait until the school day is over. The Death Husband cases? Not once did those banal crimes even enter the very peripheral of his mind. He ascertained his objective and then fully turned his thoughts towards the class. He let out a content sigh and began to enjoy the remaining sense of jubilation.