[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60169326-d55e-4adf-8f6d-dfd795abf6f2.png[/img][/center][hr] Aaron was already resigned to his fate, which meant teasing him wouldn’t be any fun. What a downer. On the other hand, Max would have a good few hours of dicking Eris around to keep him entertained, or however long it would take for the novelty to wear off. When the vampire actually arrived, Max wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or amused. Eris was already cracking and the game hadn’t even started yet. At least he had enough pride not to [i]grovel[/i]. [color=8585ad]”Seven,”[/color] He picked a number arbitrarily in a bored voice. The leech’s saving grace here was that Max didn’t want to trounce through a dark forest any more than Eris did, so he was at least incentivized to get the test done quickly. Not that he really had a problem with failing, but like hell he was going to sit out in the cold just to prolong Eris’ discomfort slightly. Max held out the extra water bottle he grabbed, pressing it against Eris’ chest. [color=8585ad]”Be a dear and carry this, will you?”[/color] Huh, maybe he [i]should[/i] get him to grovel; this was fun. [color=8585ad]”And try to keep it together, Eric, there’s people watching.”[/color] The nobles were right there, including whoever Eris was confronting earlier - oh, pale girl’s vampire; he could’ve sworn that was a woman - so it was probably in the vampire’s best interest to wait until after they were dumped in the middle of the woods to have his dramatic breakdown. Let it never be said Maxwell Alderman was inconsiderate. [hr][@Hero]