[hider=Casey • MY-2073-CAT] [center]Full Name: Casey Adison Tearney Age: 18 ID Number: MY-2073-CAT Nationality: American. Appearance: While the physical appearance of MY-2073-CAT is unknown to the faculty of Facility B, the subject claims to have dark brown hair and caramel eyes - accompanied by fair skin. However, his current appearance is much different. The subject is enclosed in a inky black skin, with light wisps of equally black smoke gently floating close to the skin, across his entire body. The only exception to this is the subject’s eye areas, which contain only empty spaces of milky white material - seemingly just as tough but smooth as the rest of the carapace. Additionally, upon the top of MY-2073-CAT‘s head sit two protrusions reminiscent of horns. The horns are seemingly sturdy, but have been known to bend and morph as the subject experiences different strong emotions. Background: MY-2073-CAT was born on June 13th, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was raised by his single mother, whom provided him an observably cushioned and sheltered life. The subject had no prior knowledge of his anomalous nature prior to his singular night of panic where his abilities presented themselves flagrantly. Anomalous Containment Staff captured the subject shortly afterwards - at the age of 16. Powers: [i]Shadow Carapace[/i] || MY-2073-CAT has proved to have a limited range of control over his anomalous abilities. This is proven in the form of an ever-persistent visage of what can only be described as ‘shadow’ surrounding his person. The material is smooth, but surrounded by a field of wispy black vapor resembling smoke, that retreats in direct bright light. Said visage covers the subject’s body head-to-toe, the only reprieve from the black material being the spaces for the eyes. When it comes to ability, MY-2073-CAT has been recorded to possess greater durability and strength than any normal human - which is attributed to the carapace, rather than any conscious effort on the subject’s part. Additionally, the subject is seemingly able to alter their body mass at will and move very quickly when within the confines of a darkened area. Directing light at the subject seems to instantly revert their enhanced abilities, leaving them only with their superior durability. [i]Fearfuel[/i] || It has been displayed through study that MY-2073-CAT’s anomalous abilities are influenced to a considerable degree by one emotion in particular - fear. The more fearful the subject seems to be, the more capable his carapace seems to become - swelling to increase in general size and height by up to a foot, even without MY-2073-CAT’s realization. Additionally, it appears the subject is much more empathetic towards the fears of others - being able to detect even minuscule amounts of fright that even the owner of the emotion may not recognize. MY-2073-CAT can use these mutual emotions as a bridge to communicate telepathically - since he cannot do so verbally - with those close to him, either accompanied by direct physical contact or through the means of shadows between him and the receiver. Notably, MY-2073-CAT is a jittery individual by nature, as light seems to make him anxious - whereas darkness, which he can see very well in, calms the subject’s nerves. Privileges: • Desk and wheeled office chair. • Physics-based water-drop desk toy. • Sleep mask. • Stuffed dog. • Beanbag chair. [/center] [/hider]