[Hider=My idea] Name: Zaknyrr “Zak” Auvryrret Call Sign: Daeva Age: 19 Sex: Male Race: Daevathan [hider=Description:] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/1a/a7/361aa7477faf3e2c73ae6ec2d819c1d5.jpg[/img] Zak is 1.88 meters of solid muscle. Beneath his crimson skin are minor bone protrusions that give him a demon-like appearance. His golden eyes have a faint glow to them. Zak’s hair is a dark deep red in color.[/hider] Powers: [hider=Teleportation] Zaknyrr has the ability to move near instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. When Zak “surges” a shadowform appears at the target destination. The further the distance traveled the longer the shadow lasts, anything within 100 meters the shadow lasts for a microsecond; A kilometer (the furthest Zak has traveled) the shadow lasts about .5 seconds. [/hider] [hider=Telepathy] Daevathan have a latent telepathic talent. Their abilities evolve from this latent ability. Those Daevathan whose talent evolves into a physical ability (i.e. Teleportation, Strength, Speed, etc) this ability allows them to resist telepathic invasion, and to skim languages enabling them to understand others.[/hider] Skills: [hider=Swordmanship] From the moment he was old enough to hold his first training blade Zaknyrr was sculpted into a blademaster. He had yet to earn the title in the fourteen years he has used a sword. While he has not been granted the title of master, Zak is extremely proficient with a sword; Perhaps good enough to bear the title. He is able to flawlessly use his sword skills in conjunction with his teleportation abilities.[/hider] [hider=Darei training] The last seven years of his life Zak has been trained and made use of the skills of the Darei, scouts and assassins. He uses his teleportation skills to aid his stealth. Zak is also able to follow tracks. [/hider] [hider=Hrangar] Hrangar is the name of a Daevathan martial art. This form of unarmed combat is designed to assist a sword wielder should he find himself disarmed. Zak hasn't practiced this art as much as he probably should have.[/hider] Weapons: [hider=Sword] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/6d7f/th/pre/f/2016/153/b/8/g_force_s_adamantium_photon_power_samurai_swords_by_solgravionmegazord-d8vrofz.jpg[/img] Shardorel is Zaknyrr’s Alaesa, his soul. The blade bears the name of the first member of Zak’s house to wield the blade. This means that the weapon means as much to Zak as his own life. It is forged from Ghobalt, an alloy from his own dimension, it is stronger than titanium. And has a current that runs through the edge heating it and making cutting easier. In the hilt is an gravity propulsion device and navigation computer making the weapon summonable by Zaknyrr’s gauntlet. The weapon can only be summoned when the signal is sent within 200 meters. The sword travels around most solid objects, avoiding anything it can not burst through. [/hider] Equipment: [hider=Armor] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/0fe8/i/2009/010/1/3/drow_specialist_by_sharpener.jpg[/img] Zaknyrr wears his Cosan leather armor. The armor is cut, and element resistant; Zak discovered after his arrival in this dimension that the armor is bullet resistant, similar to kevlar.[/hider] [hider=Mask] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/cf2d/i/2013/252/b/f/lion_of_the_wind_half_mask_metallic_by_mostlymade-d6lngy6.jpg[/img] Zak wears his Kiseran into battle. A kiseran bears the design of his family and marks him as a member of a noble house. The mask is also made of gholbalt.[/hider] [hider=Biography:] Being the 78th in line for head of his household meant that the youth needed no training in management of a house. So Zak had a typical childhood for a low ranking member of the noble caste. From the earliest possible moment he was trained for various forms of combat. Every game he was taught, every story he was told involved conflict. He received the same basic education as every other Daevathan child between drills and exercises. On the day of his Gadou, the procedure that grants a noble their ability, Zaknyrr was given Shardorel. From the first moment he saw the blade, Zak treasured the sword. He excitedly completed the bonding ceremony, tying his soul to the weapon. After awakening days after the Gadou the youth was mildly disappointed he hadn't become a Nai, the soldier class. However after learning to control his ability to surge Zak came to love his position as a Darei. Since his Gadou at the age of 12, Zak has seen battle many times; He has even survived Gaihar, assassination, missions deep in hostile territory. His proudest moments however were those times that he protected his home from attackers. It was one such event that lead to the young Daevathan becoming stranded on Earth. While pursuing an enemy Nai, Zak surged whilst a strange red and blue shockwave rippled through the forest. Assaulted by a brighter world the young Auvryrret found himself near some ruins in what he later discovered was Macedonia. Unfortunately the differences in culture and language caused the Darei to engage the local constabulary. Fortunately an elder with great skill and patience appeared and brought things to a reasonable and calm ending. This hero took Zak with her someplace where he can learn and become familar with his new world. [hider=Racial information] [b]Genre:[/b] Sci fi/Fantasy [b]Species Name:[/b] Daevathan [b]Homeland:[/b] Their world is darker than our own. The landscape varies similarly to Earth’s, except for sudden abrupt changes. Rhiad’s flora and fauna are hearty species, plants and creatures capable of surviving a global disaster. Though no where on the planet exists a biome that is over a thousand years old. [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] Daevathan are a bipedal two armed species similar to humans. Their skin tone is various shades of crimson. The color of their hair run the full gamut, from white to black; They lean towards dark red over brown however. Beneath their skin are bone protrusions which afford them a demonic appearance. [b]Lore:[/b] Around nine hundred years ago the nations of Rhiad were in a global war. At some point an order was given and weapons of mass destruction were used. What one nation did the others had to do in order to attempt survival. The world was unable to survive the devastation; And so the planet revolted. The earth shattered and the seas boiled, and civilization collapsed. The survivors struggled to endure in this hostile new world; For a hundred years they fought their world, a hundred years they toiled against the elements. They adapted their technologies to aid in survival, and yet through it all their war continued. Only it was no longer a war of nations but a war for survival. And then she appeared. Where she walked the flora bloomed, and food was plentiful. When she spoke the people put down their weapons and listened. Her words were the diagram for a future, a future in which their people could live. This future meant changes for their species. Guns, bombs, and the weapons of the Cataclysm were forbidden. They were the creation of evil, with the intent to destroy the world and steal the soul of the people. A world without conflict however was a world that could not evolve, but conflict could be limited. Her teachings spread and she united her people. As the first Empress she created the civilization that exists today. She created the nobility, those who could lead their people into their safer future. They would need strength, they would need intelligence and they would need to be honorable. And so they would fight an unending war. The peasantry, those who would pay the highest price in any war, were exempt from combat. There could be no conscriptions, there would be no civilian casualties. The populace lived in a virtual utopia, as the problems that plagued the plagued the old world were solved. The nobility lived in a state of constant war, the strongest and smartest houses survived; Dynasties rose and fell, but the Daevathan prospered. [b]Technology Level:[/b] The technologies adapted for survival were again adapted. Technologies that could be adapted for civilian sciences flourished. Disease and starvation were words from the stories of the Aftermath. Clean energy sources power their worlds and they have spread throughout their solar system. The nobility sent their technologies down a different path. Blades became the weapon of choice, and a way of life. Their technology was not focused on just improving their weapons but their warriors as well. The nobles began to genetically alter their members. A catalyst is administered to members as they reach adulthood. Their latent telepathic abilities are than transformed into something more, along with their eyes. An adult nobles eye color determines their abilities and position in the forces of their house. Golden eyes mark them as Darei; They serve as scouts, assassins and spies. A darei’s abilities are related to agility, the most common is teleportation though superspeed is not unheard of. Red eyes are worn by those of strength. These Nai serve as soldiers, and typically are granted super strength, increased durability or healing abilities. Souvra are the blue eyed nobles, their telepathic abilities are exponential increased. They serve as military commanders, using their abilities to give orders instantaneously to any position on the battlefield. [b]Society structures:[/b] Daevathan are a feudal society, broken into castes. The majority of the population are the peasantry, they serve their world and are thus protected from its horrors. They are kept from the constant conflict the nobility are embroiled in, and they provide supplies to the houses. The nobility fight a perpetual war, creating stronger and smarter leaders to ensure their civilization grows and thrives. They battle for the right to rule, the imperial house can be challenged for the throne. This ensures that the Daevathan are ruled by the best possible leader. To safeguard the conflict it is explicitly forbidden to destroy any house. This exemption has been lifted only once. The house destroyed was erased from history because they entered combat using weapons of the soulless, firearms. [/hider] [/hider][/hider]