Koglan sniffed and was slow even to react to Siwa as she stepped closer. He blinked and seemed to finally remember the deal they had made the day before. He blinked, "Ah...yes I remember. You didn't find anyone? Well you tried atleast." He was preparing himself to do his duty to mate Siwa and give her the seed she'd need to bear a litter of little goblin children. Maybe one or two of them would even bear his traits. He groaned but felt his body protest at the thought. Then Siwa gave him an out. He smiles, "I may have overworked myself abit it's true." He sighs and lets himself be lead back to his bed, the bed that sees more use then the bed in his hut out back. Koglan carefully lays himself down on the cot. As Siwa moved so did he careful steps towards the bed and it's small alcove shaded from view. She was right, in his state he wouldn't be able to perform very well. But she seems to be offering him something even better. He'd heard of her massages and rub downs. Maybe that's what the slowly aging Smith needs the most is a good muscle massage to bring him back to full lucidity. He carefully sits on the bed then rolls onto his front, turning his head to look Siwa's way, "I do the best work I can for the betterment of the tribe...as do you...as do we all." He smiled a little, tiredly really, but it's a smile indeed. He then chuckles, "Come Siwa...do your worst." He grins broadly a moment later.