[hr][hr] [center][color=CD5C5C][h1]Evelyn Holder[/h1][/color] [h1]&[/h1] [color=LightSlateGray][h1]Casey Frazier[/h1][/color] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c90b3cc752388db5bca3278b6b47e87d/tumblr_oym4xmaA4E1up42jgo5_540.gifv[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/44c41684f11f838d8a655c4afd9820f6/tumblr_inline_pmg9mn8J5E1sj4xno_400.gifv[/img] [I]Location: Unknown Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Evelyn watched as the Sentinel that Sapphire tried to attack shot out a laser, knocking her teammate to the ground and went over to her side, to see if she was alright. [color=CD5C5C]"Are you okay Sapphire?"[/color] Evelyn asked, since her plan didn't really seem to work at all on trying to slip the massive robot onto the ground. She watched as the other new girl Elara going into the house to find a weapon that she could use, Evelyn looked at Andrew who said he made it once it exploded. [color=CD5C5C]"Well that certainly is useful."[/color] Evelyn said, as the robot she had attacked suddenly went down as well and the one Belladonna attacked to rather easily. Evelyn could feel the ground starting to shake and she looked over seeing another proto sentinel coming over towards them, and a man on its shoulder approaching them. She was about to grab her throwing knife and throw one at the man, when Arthur spoke up looking over at the man for a moment. She still wasn't to sure if he was trustworthy yet, though he did help them fight off a bunch of dinosaurs made by the Mastermind Sisters. Though she did remember something what Spiral said, before coming here, [i]'Learn how the world works rather quickly. Otherwise you'll never get back here.'[/i] Evelyn decided to take the sheath of throwing knives and dropped them onto the ground, she wasn't going to be anyone's plaything for entertainment. Evelyn stared at Watts for a moment, before speaking she was trusting Arthur at the moment. [color=CD5C5C]"I'd rather die than be someone's entertainment forever."[/color] Casey looked up at the strange looking man who was sitting on the Sentinel's shoulder, she wanted to knock down the guy who was on it, though she took a moment and stared at Arthur, she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible she didn't want to be a stuck in a child's body forever either. Before joining the X-Factor team Casey did pretty much anyone's bidding and that wasn't her at all anymore either. But she wasn't sure about him just yet either, and the guy on the Sentinel brought a bunch of them so that they could be attacked by them. Casey remained pretty quiet and still on guard as well, listening to Evelyn speak she, but she would still defend herself and the others if needed, she wasn't lucky enough like some of the others to have any weapons. Though she kept her guard up just in case the weird man did attack.