All her dreams come true? Adila doesn't even know what that looks like. Maybe today having never happened. Maybe getting to be someone else whose head wasn't a ticking time bomb of heartbreak. Maybe someone to throw a ball. You know, actually, maybe she's onto something with that last one. If someone threw a ball for her and she got to run after it then she'd get to show how good she was at running and she'd [i]also[/i] get to show what a good girl she was for bringing it back. Wouldn't that kind of solve all of her problems in and of itself? She'd get to be fast [i]and [/i]good. And she'd have a ball. And someone to throw it for her. And they'd throw the ball. And then! She'd bring it back! And then they'd throw it again! Argh! No, stop, stop, stop letting it get into your head, Adila! You need to prove that you're better than that, that you can stand up for Princess Dandy when it matters. It's the only way to make things right. There's no use pretending now so you'll have to sort through your feelings honestly. Let's start by getting this collar off. Scratching it off should work, it'll be no match for your claws, and probably the most convenient leg to use is one of your hind ones and oh no [i]damn it[/i].