[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=Gold]Artemis “Arty” Harrington[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/670658152244445184/Twin_Resize.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=gold]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 3 [b][color=gold]Magic:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] [color=gold]“Yes, ma’am!”[/color] Artie agreed to the trolley witch’s demands before immediately diving into the compartment, plopping down as close to the window as possible as he removed himself from further possible confrontation. Blimey, what a horribly exciting start to the year. Trust the snake gang to make everything totally topsy turvy before they even managed to make it to school. And Fae. Nice girl on most occasions but going absolutely mental only made the whole situation worse! The whole gryffindor/slytherin rivalry was so grody. But Artie had no doubt that Professor Flitwick would see it as a load of codswallop and Mary was only standing up to a bunch of tossers as a prefect should and they’d put the whole situation behind them. After all, they had the celestial ball to focus on and unpleasant business had no place anywhere near it. When Mary asked, as any best friend should, Apollo about his dusty books, Artie groaned. She asked about his summer which was books and books and books and copying books and copying books and more reading and even hanging out with his totally kick ass twin turned into magical discussions. Not that he minded entirely but he would have loved to do more things [i]outside[/i] and [i]not[/i] school related, magical or otherwise, with a touch more frequency! So, although he may have been feeling… petty, Arty did his damnedest to keep his mouth shut. Maybe. [color=gold]“Wait, wait, wait!”[/color] Artie interjected before his brother steered it into academic territory. He may have played up the eagerness, more interested in getting rid of the sour mood the confrontation brought about. [color=gold] “Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaary, we have exciting news for them! Tell them about what we volunteered for! Tell them, tell them, tell them!”[/color] Artie bounced on the seat eagerly. [color=gold] “Actually, I’ll tell ‘em! I’m about to explode! Listen up, you wankers! Guess the pair in charge of planning the raddest Celestial Ball of the century! Mary and me! And that means, we’ll be taking inspiration for the bestest friend and twin too! Isn’t it totally tight?”[/color] He asked Georgina directly, practically begging for some positive attention about it.