Less dedication. Weakness. Downtime could be limited. Inability to control her troops. Unacceptable weakness. Case in point: she did not properly punish the soldier who knocked into her. 415633-983223-17-Zhatka would be sharing a regiment with such weakness. Part of the command squad. He would not be fighting alongside his fellows in the foreseeable future. How infuriating. '...yes, Sir.' Hesitation. Weakness. The officer gave an order. 415633-983223-17-Zhatka saluted again, then began walking away as dismissed, only to stop as he realised he was being observed. He turned his head to stare back at the soldier, his mask shifting above his collar. Small. Weak. Inappropriate facial expression. Poorly fitted armour. Should not have been inducted into her regiment. Should not have been inducted into [i]this[/i] regiment. 'Practice your drills, soldier,' he insisted, before she made her effort to leave. Given the other soldier wanted the officer's attention, and as 415633-983223-17-Zhatka had been dismissed already, he proceeded to take his own leave, returning to his quarters promptly. 415633-983223-17-Zhatka would have issues practicing with such noise in the area. In which case, he would make do with a somewhat simpler drill. He drew his bayonet, and began.