There was long silence again for many moments prolonged and while to any observer of the ordeal, the extension was no less and no more than any other. Vah'lux received no added punishment, no preferential treatment, or anything in between. Rather the towering woman and her ornate natural camouflage upon her slate flesh was seen just the same as was any other, at least in the eyes of the god who the priest invoked. So the events played out characteristically before, with the young man turning away and offering the encoded, somatic gesture in reply to the hand of the judge. Mayhap the goliath expected something more extravagant, something more distinctly judgmental, but from the look of it at least these people's god was fair in his consistency; it would be determined later if he were truly as merciful and good as they proclaimed, however. This sort of test was at least not unfamiliar to her, at least as far as her memory extended. A trial of spirit? Foreign, distant, estranged from the earth and from all of nature, but at least it could not be regularly - or at least easily - cheated except by practitioners of spell craft. It may well have had some merit although her heart still welled with the uncertainty of all what it meant. None of the men, not the orc, not the soldier, and not the faithful, had given her any insight on this - not that she needed it, of course, she was well off without them as it had been were it not for the rough hewn stone holding her back in a mockery of her heritage. Ultimately for one last time the words were spoken, so that they too filled the now faintly morning lit prison, given by the lip of their decider of fate. "Judgment in the eyes of the holy has been passed." This time they were short another breath, followed on by something new and different once the two withdrew to the entrance of the doorway. The elder nodding to the priest and speaking beneath his breath with a thanks, receiving a verbal blessing in response. It was unclear to de Bray and Renault just what was said, with the other two unable to hear anything more than the voices interacting, but it was evident now the time of their mortal judgment was here. "As it has been seen, in the eyes of the holy patron, all of you are free from the evils of the deeds us mortal men have accused you of. The breaking of our time honored law and tradition, the commitment of crimes against the land and its service to His Majesty as the great bastion against the most barbaric things beyond, however, cannot go unpunished. As a consequence, as giver of your collective sentences, per my noble station, I judge all of you innocent in the eyes of the divine, but guilty in the eyes of man." He paused for a moment as he withdrew a bound parchment from the inside of his coat, laying it into the hands of the priest who took it with some obvious and apparent ill preparedness. "You all shall find yourselves in service to the temple, so that it may be judged the sincerity of your commitment to wiping your slate clean. Once this task is done and it is deemed that you have paid off your collective debt, you will be free men, and woman, once more. Should any of you fail, you all fail together, and I shall proclaim the judgment which was determined for each you at first from the start of your crimes." The justice addressed the priest from a glance over his shoulder, seeing the younger man a bit taken aback at suddenly being given the responsibility of these four outsiders. To Renault this was not an unexpected turn of events, something that could legally be done, of course, but from the reaction the humbly robed man gave it seemed as though he was ill prepared to receive them all and guide them on being redeemed in the eyes of the kingdom. Looking forward once more, stern stare sweeping from the furthest back to the front, ending upon de Bray, who he glowered at - knowing the man's charge of cowardice and clearly having been a man of prominence in battle himself in youth based upon the ornate, cleanness of his attire and presentation. His restrained intensity continued, not breaking from where it came to rest. "Have the guilty anything to say before the justice?" [@BangoSkank][@Hellion][@Lord Wyron][@TyrannosaursRex]