[center][b][h2]Errant[/h2] Euna Kim[/b][/center] [u]POWERS[/u] Cybernetic limbs Superstrength and durability Enhanced senses (multispectral visor) An alternate form (Limit-free mode) [u]LABELS[/u] DANGER 1 FREAK -1 [b]SAVIOR[/b] 2 SUPERIOR 0 MUNDANE 1 SOLDIER 1 [u]MOVES[/u] [b]Before we get started:[/b] When you have time to closely observe your opposition before a fight, Roll +Savior. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, mark a condition and hold 1. During the fight, you can spend 1 hold to name a character you observed and [list] [*]redirect their attack into another character or nowhere - into a wall or the sky [*]cross a distance between them and you [*]stun them, close up or from a distance [*]ignore all harm from one of their attacks [*]escape any bindings or impediments they attempt to place on you [/list] [b]I can do this all day:[/b] When something causes you to remove yourself from a fight, you can shift Savior down (and another Label up) instead. If shifting Savior down would lower it below -2, you have to leave the fight instead of shifting Labels. [b]No, you move:[/b] When you demand that an NPC live up to a higher moral code, roll + Savior. On a hit, they have to meet your standard or mark a Condition. On a 10+, take Influence over them as well. On a miss, they reveal that the conflict in question is more complicated than it seems; give them Influence over you. When you're [i]acting on orders and relying on your training[/i], give AEGIS Influence over you to use Soldier instead of any other label when you use a basic or playbook move. When you [i]invoke your authority over citizens, Neo-Halcyon City personnel, or AEGIS staff,[/i] roll +Soldier. On a hit, your words carry weight. On a 7-9, someone will push back against your instructions or orders... sooner rather than later. On a miss, your attempts to control the situation create an opportunity for your enemies within AEGIS to act against you When you [i]ask AEGIS for additional resources, equipment, or information during a mission,[/i] roll +Soldier. On a hit, they'll resupply you as best they can. On a 10+, the resources are highly classified or experimental; take +1 ongoing to deploying them throughout the mission. On a miss, AEGIS sends what they think you need, regardless of what you actually requested. [u]TEAM MOVES[/u] [b]Triumphant Celebration:[/b] When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, tell them what they need to do to achieve their full potential. If they accept your advice, take Influence over them and add 2 Team to the pool. If they reject what you have to say, mark a condition. [b]Vulnerability:[/b] When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them what cause they serve. If you find it to be a worth cause, tell them how you will fight for it, clear a condition, and add a Team to the pool. If they don't have a cause (or you find it unworthy), mark a condition. [u]INFLUENCE[/u] Gives to: Brainstorm, Ferra Has on: @SARAHPHIM Ferra, Brainstorm, Comstar, The Shogun, Number Eight, Commander Warren [u]RELATIONSHIPS[/u] @SARAHPHIM, you're important to the longterm success of AEGIS. You're the spark that's going to carry us into the future. Your fans are the worst, but I've talked it over with my superiors and they agree I should make protecting you my top priority. Brainstorm, I know you're not particularly keen on AEGIS. You say a lot of things I have a hard time agreeing with, but please. Don't stop saying them. [u]POTENTIAL[/u] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [u]CONDITIONS[/u] None