[hider=DnD Obito] Name: Neir Age:19 Gender:Male Race:Human [url=https://ibb.co/P6qV16v][img]https://i.ibb.co/P6qV16v/Tobi-Yellow-Mask-Render.png[/img][/url] Appearance: Beneath the yellow mask he likes to wear, Neir wouldn't be considered particularly attractive. One side of his body is deformed and pale from the experiment his order performed on him. Standing at 6'4 Neir is extremely thin, which makes him quite weak. He always has his hair frazzled, and dyes black. Personality: Neir shows little to no emotion, he always calm and never panics. And his cold exterior is the same as his interior, you never know what's going on his head. He is a man of few words but is quite diligent. He is not very charismatic but has a peculiar way to make others see his point of view. Another aspect of Neir is how patient he is, he will wait for decades for the smallest bit of progress of his plan. He always plans and has every contingency in mind, when he hunts a target he is quiet, unfeeling, and stoic. The sounds of his chains rattling have been called "death's metallic ultimatum" History: There is no empire more feared than The Idrosan Empire, also known as the scourge of the western continent. Centuries of war forged this small duchy of artisans to become a major military and economic power. However, during the reunification of the Arlain peninsula, the then the Indrosan Kingdom was at the brink of defeat due to their lack of skullduggery. So, King Hughes "The Great"'s council of advisors voted on a joint program with the spymaster and marshal. This program's name would strike fear into the hearts of friends and foe alike, The Order of Dybulconces. The order operated as a strike team that would find and assassinate key targets. Their impact could not be understated, as in a few short months the war was won due to the assassination of key military targets. The order's unique use of arcane assassins would make Indrosa virtually unstoppable. Neir would be born to the legendary Kapet dynasty, who dominated the politics of the northern, southern, and western continents. Neir would be considered a prodigy in many fields from birth, such as skullduggery, martial arts, magic, and academic pursuits. His parents as the leaders of the Kapet dynasty used their insane wealth and power to land him a spot in the capital's top academy St. Hughes Cordoba. What Neir didn't know was that he didn't come there to study. his parents had more nefarious intentions in mind. St. Hughes had been used as a way for the order to recruit new assassins without the public knowing anything of the sort. And you might ask why his parents would do such a thing, well his parents believed with Neir as the leader of the order they could further increase the influence of house Kapet, finally taking for control of Indrosa. After formally joining the order, Neir was put to routine torture and experiments to breed the perfect assassin. His mind and his broken many times to "the shape" an unfeeling engine of death. Neir was seen as nothing more than a tool by both the order and his parents, but he didn't know that. For Neir was an empty shell, a pen to write a poem of blood and despair with the stanzas being every new mission Neir was sent on. All that changed though, one fateful morning he was given his final mission to kill his dynasty for the current King Robert feared one day they would take over Indrosa itself. So Neir sent out to end his dynasty, in the dead of night going to every room. The white walls of the estate became red with the occasional organ or two lying around. As Neir was about to deal the killing blow to his parents, his mother enchanted a hex that would drain his mind. Neir had no mind, so the curse changed to a mark on his arm. FOr he had unknowingly completed a ritual that gives the user great power at two great costs. One was that every time he used it it would drain his vitality, and two required a special hex that would be caused by the killing of your kin. After doing such a deed, Nier went to another routine experiment but something happened. It was as if the Curse mark had a special reaction to this specific experiment. Neir had finally regained his sentience and at once he was hit with the horror of his evil deeds. Fueled by rage and using the chains his mark had manifested him, he massacred everyone in that facility. Now, as an international fugitive with 500,000 gold pieces on his head, he has a new goal in mind. To create his order, and bring peace to this barbaric world. __________ Level:20 Class: Arcane Assassin(I work as a mercenary though) Profession: Apothecary __________ STR: C VIT: E DEX: S INT: S WIS: D CHA: C ________ Equipment: Chains of Dyncolnes(Used to surprise his enemies so he can lend crucial abilities) Small flasks of poison(for subtly ways of assassination) Throwing stars and little throwing daggers ____ SKills: Martial prowess: Gifted at hand to hand combat Brilliant strategist: Amazing at hand to hand combat Arcane mastery: Proficient with magic Midas Touched: Savy business sense ________ Abilities: Lightning Blade: Creates a blade of lighting that he can use to stab enemies dealing shock and cutting dmg and lowering the enemies defenses Thrill: Becomes briefly intangible for at most 1 second Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes the enemy and gives them a horrible order, giving nearby enemies nausea Rajin: Blurs Neir making him much harder to hit Screech: Makes the target see an illusion that makes flee in terror, A strong fortitude can negate this ability [/hider] Ill lower that stats if need be.