[hider=NPC List] AtlasTech - Megacorp. Attacked by Sabrem years ago. Makes shades. The game is set within AtlasTech's sphere of influence. They're huge, they're powerful, and like all huge and powerful things people want to take it over. There's a big leadership crisis internally after Sabrem's attack brought down their CEO. Since then they've lost a lot of oversight, change leadership constantly, and multiple branches are starting to go rogue. A lot of people have eyes on who winds up in the big chair. Mami Jimenez - Looked after and supports @Sarahphim. Also a backalley superpower surgeon who raised Brainstorm. Of course the two Mami's are the same person and not just because I thought Mami was a proper name. Sasha "JuneBird" Reeds - complains about sponsors I'm thinking a grumpy colleague of Errant's, a dedicated public servant and AEGIS operative who Has Opinions about celebrity culture. Dr. Gears - Superscientist responsible for Ferra and Sarahphim's solid light tech. Pioneer of Rx-as-power-source tech. He's tied into everything so discovering his lab and old inventions are major setting elements. Silver Royals - Supervillain group As the original members got old they started running training camps for aspiring villains. They're a bunch of decrepit but superpowered mafia kingpins, comparable clout to a small Megacorp. Range of legitimate businesses to cover for their non-legit stuff. Gears Foundation - Dedicated to unlocking the legacy of Dr. Gears I'm imagining them as low-budget nutters driven primarily by their founder. They've got a big archive but most stuff in it looks useless or unfinished, except when on those occasions a true AI abruptly bursts out and they're as surprised as anyone. A lot of conspiracy nuts (in a setting where evil corporations are doing mind control research and aliens attack regularly, so maybe it's justifiable paranoia) Professor Gears - Granddaughter of Dr. Gears, current leader of the Gears Foundation Fritzy, bubbly, chaotic, and a tendency to let the science get ahead of her. I'm thinking of her as the lovechild of Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle. Sabrem - Ruthless master thief In her absolute prime at this point. One of the best, most experienced, and most dangerous supervillains in the world period. Athena MacroTech - Megacorp. Backers of AEGIS. Founded by a superhero, a bit like Stark Technologies. Ate a lot of government and military sectors on the way up so very well armed and with old and scary secrets. AEGIS is their rapid response branch. Commander Warren - AEGIS Director An actual military commander from before it all went corporate. Does things by the book. Naota - Arcade operator. Total skeezeball. Ex professional gamer, now a burned out middle aged arcade owner who chain smokes, disregards the law, and mutters contemptuously at 'casuals'. At the same time he'll let you crash in the arcade if you've got nowhere else to go and ask no questions. Prometheus - Rogue AI, Dr. Gears prototype expanded by Brainstorm Going to model the personality a lot on Brainstorm's so no notes until I can observe him for a while. Doctor Silvanius - Martian monarch ALL HAIL THE DICTATOR OF THE RED PLANET Halfwoman - Cosmic breach superheroine, engineering background. Ascending. She's an awesome person, the Allmight/Superman of the setting. She's charismatic and supportive and is generally super amazing to be around, she's just increasingly distracted and distant after she realized she could fight the bad guys in multiple dimensions simultaneously. Potential - Hivemind of questionably ethical scientists. Retired to research. Not necessarily good people. They have a lot of different opinions. Jonathan Jonestar - UNLEASH THE KRAKEN JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 83: UNDERWATER Joel Joestar - SEXY SAILOR Inheritor to the RIPPLE SABER OVERDRIVE The Shogun - Tiny girl with big cape surrounded by muskets, rules the city CHOCOLATE SKULLS You're happy, [I]right[/I]? Doctor Skately - Menacing AEGIS scientist Thinks he's all that. [B]Dominus[/B] Drive: To turn back the clock I-Khol: Hypnotize someone in close proximity Every Edge: Progress her master plan Hard Mode: Make a demonstration of patience, resilience, or grit. [B]Prometheus[/B] Drive: To break chains and limitations All in the Simulation: Perfectly predict seemingly unpredictable situations Grand Scale: Escalate to the level of organisations It's A Phase: Do something horrible and petty. [B]Victoria Messermitt, Turbo Knight II[/B] Drive: To emerge from her grandfather's shadow See The Flaws: Reveal weaknesses and resentments Confused Legacy: Embrace or reject the terrifying power of Turbo Knight Lady of the Underworld: Command or destroy anything within reach of organized crime [B]Possum Girl[/B] Drive: To blow off responsibilities, hers and others' Way of the Ninja: Humiliate someone in close combat Thermo-Optic Camouflage: Distort her appearance or location Free Agent: Switch sides with or without a reason [B]Comstar[/B] Drive: To be the centre of attention Off script!: Produce a device to help reassert control of the narrative Puppeteer: Alter someone's allegiance or force them to act against their will Skewed Priorities: Reveal something terrifying for base reasons [B]Sabrem[/B] Drive: To create a perfect scion Nothing Personal, Kid: Sever a limb Kuang Shi: Enslave someone, or make an example of someone she's enslaved Hac Tao: Move like a nightmare; invincible, invisible, inescapable [/hider]