[hider=Liam][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/no-game-no-life/images/1/1b/Sora_%281%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20170323163130[/img][/hider] It’s quite astounding just how fast things can change. One minute, Liam was having a pleasant time alongside some of those he met a few weeks ago as the parade went down the street. Then a strange ticking sound started to grow louder and louder amongst the parade. It all became clear once Liam’s eyes caught sight of the large mechanical beast behind one of the floats. Before he could even fully process its sudden appearance, he saw another one of those he had fought beside engaging the beast, her flames arching with her blades swings. He watched as her attacks seemed to have little, being knocked down with the creatures large hook like weapon. His heart sank when the beast crushed her with its last blow. It’s never easy to see someone you know die. Even worse when it happened before one's very eyes. [color=Green]“We can’t let it claim anyone else,”[/color] Liam adds after Nori, his chain fouling out of his arms as he draws upon his power. Immediately they shot forth, chains latching onto light posts and anything else they can, as Liam flies around the street, observing the creature while also checking around in case of stragglers still in the area.