Shadow Hold Raven starts to speak but before he can the sky is filled with hundreds of flying flat ships with no sails. In the very same instant a thunderous boom of thousands of cannons rings out. As the earth below them is shelled Valkyrie steps up on the bow of her flagship Jotunheim. Her lips curl into a smile and she walks directly off of the deck of her ship. Yet, she doesn't fall. She strides unfettered by gravity through the air to survey the field below. "Deploy secondary barrage on Shadow Hold, then launch HK Gunships, and commence shelling of the enemies ground forces." Valkyrie's voice seems to be everywhere at once. Or rather there seems to be no limit to how far her voice can travel. Ninja (G) I pull myself from rubble and look around. Shadow Hold is in ruins. I can feel blood seeming from a wound in my upper thigh. I look up. The Castle still has a form or shape but it is treacherously tenuous. I hear a second cacophony of thunder and brace myself.