[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191217/01aa794603b571c65262ae1762d30edb.png[/img][/center] [Color=darkgray][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Morning [Color=darkgray][b]Location:[/b][/color] Alexei's to Ember Grove Mall [Color=darkgray][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [hr] Damien's last shot of tequila did not appear to phase him. With the young passerby gone and his final shot downed, Damien got up from his bar stool and walked to the restroom. The tequila had given him the slight buzz he was looking for and now it was time to even things out. He quickly moved to the closest sink while pulling out a small plastic vial. He made sure to be quick as he poured the cocaine and used a credit card to form a solid line. He closed the vial and tucked it into his pocket with the credit card. With the pinch of one nostril, he used the other to snort the cocaine. The bump he had indulged in earlier had just been an appetizer for this solid dose of the drug. He grinned to himself in the sink mirror as he wiped any leftover specks frlm his face. As he did so, he noticed the tattoo on his hand overlap with his mouth, giving him a ghoulish mask for a moment. [Color=darkgray][i]Now [b]this[/b] is how you start off the day![/i][/color] [Url=https://youtu.be/5ZYgIrqELFw]The Vibe[/url] Damien exited the restroom, the separate buzzes from the tequila and cocaine combining to create quite a mood-lifting concoction. He made eyes with the bartender and nodded at the woman as he grabbed his umbrella and stepped out the door into the rain that was beginning to slow down. There was no hint of the sun coming out any time soon, but the rain would end within the hour, leaving Ember Grove with an overcast sky. With pep in his step Damien headed back towards the mall with a friendly smile on his face for those that passed by. Whether he received smiles back or awkward stares, he didn't care. Damien was truly feeling himself. In the distance, perched on top of a bus stop bench that had a shelter to keep waiting passengers dry, Lucy watched a goofy Damien stroll up to the mall as if he was walking on the clouds. She was sure he was buzzing which meant he would try to be a bit more social than usual. Sometimes it just got a bit out of hand. The raven blinked a few times as she watched him twirl his umbrella before closing it as he entered the mall. It was possibly worse than she thought. The raven croaked before twisting her head to peer up at the sky. She'd fly once the rain died down some more. Meanwhile, Damien entered the mall and took a deep breath, almost as if to announce his good and relaxed mood to all near the entrance. In reality, he was feeling out the place. His eyes flashed yellow for less than a second as his excitement spiked. [Color=darkgray][i]The scent is thick with mutts… fun fun fun. Looks like the theme for today is dog eat dog… And Damien is oh so very hungry.[/i][/color]