[color=#B1A39A] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190508/f8d21a50404516670b90c969760e9f18.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EBXrIUX.jpg[/img] [img]http://chapelhillspreschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/custom-divider-09.png[/img][/center][indent][indent][indent]Of course, Chanel was right behind Julie MacMillan when she decided to approach the growing group of students in the hall and take matters into her own hands; part of Chanel was glad that it was Julie who had taken the lead, because if it had been her instead, she wouldn't have been anywhere near as calm and collected as her best friend seemed to be. Another part, however, wished that she'd acted on impulse and did exactly what she'd been itching to do since the moment she found out who the [i]real[/i] Kavi Salvador was: give him a good old slap across the face. As far as Chanel saw it, Kavi was the root of all of the drama that was starting to unfold. It was he who decided to kiss April in front of practically the entire Senior class on Halloween, all while knowing that he had a girl like Ariel in his corner. It was [i]Kavi[/i] who had April unwillingly roped into this little mess. Kavi was the problem. Not Ariel, not April, not the tall guy who looked like he came straight out of Teen Beach Movie... Kavi. Acting on instinct as she watched things unfold, Chanel grabbed hold of April's hand and took a couple of steps back. [color=#D2652C]"You already know we got you, girl,"[/color] Chanel muttered to April as she watched Julie shove the tall, long-haired boy backwards. [color=#D2652C]"And uh, who the hell is this guy?"[/color] But soon, Julie had the guy pinned against the lockers, and Chanel couldn't help but smile and internally cheer the young woman on as she read him to [i]filth[/i]. [color=#D2652C]"Period!"[/color] Chanel shouted, agreeing completely with everything Julie had said. It didn't take long for Ariel to step in and defend the guy; Chanel rolled her eyes in disappointment before listening to what else she had to say. It was only after then that Chanel gently tugged on Julie's arm, signaling her to back off. [color=#D2652C]"You know what, I think it's time that we remove ourselves from this situation,"[/color] Chanel said to the group, directing most of what she had to say next to April and Ariel. [color=#D2652C]"April doesn't need to deal with all of this petty bullshit... the stress isn't good for the baby. And actually, I don't think that all of what this Ryland guy had to say was all wrong. I mean, he shouldn't have called you out your name like he's ya father, that's for sure. But I don't appreciate you being all [i]passive aggressive[/i] towards one of my best friends because [i]your[/i] man is a trifling ass cheater. Focus all that negative energy on him instead, okay? And April, girl.... what the hell are you thinking?"[/color] And without warning, Chanel suddenly took the PS4 out of her friends' hands and tucked it under her free arm. [color=#D2652C]"This is what we're not gonna do. I'm sure that my brother Andre... or whatever other [i]faithful[/i] and deserving person we give this shit to, will [i]love[/i] their new system. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm not trying to be late to first period."[/color] And with that, Chanel began to walk away from the group, the sound of her platform heels echoing through the halls as she did so. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [/color]