[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190828/139aa0fff5f1bff56f201cc977a661a7.png[/img] [sub]Location: The Thirteenth Training Ground, Konohagakure[/sub][/center] [hr] Ria wasted no time to close her distance against Matsuoka and delivered precise tackles with her dual metal-plated fan, the hand-to-hand sequence of the young Uchiha liken to a theatrical war dance; the "Bon Odori". She acted by mowing Matsuoka's defenses with tactile agility in hopes to exhaust her, contradicting cautious instructions to Enma and Kiku earlier. The dance step sequence are circular, energetic and elegant yet aggressive. Put these basic moves together, it creates a repetitive choreography of fluidly swinging the fans widespread with simultaneous parries of attack and defend/assault and counter-attack. Ria mirrored her father, Kazuma's fighting style, the art of Kaeshi that was taught to her and hoped that Kiku and Enma follow. Ironically enough, Ria knew that the Kaeshi fighting form had too many movements and taxed stamina. Someone like Matsuoka, a Jonin and her father's former rival may easily exploit the weak-spot of the form since she faced it before. Ria's movements are emphasized through a 45° angle of swings to smooth transition from parrying an attack to a counterstrike. Without a Sharingan, Ria's moves were underwhelming compared to her father's matured version, she knew that Matsuoka would counter her staggering moves with ease. Time will tell once Ria succumbs to her exhaustion. Ria grinned and gloated. [color=ed1c24]"Does this remind you of your past? Well you should be, unless you're not a virgin anymore! My father told me to talk smack with you once you're my master! I also think that with your big rack, I can put you in a futon and lie down on those! Well, that's what Kazuma would say! I am Kazuma's child, don't you see any resemblance? MATSUOKA! How about let's read some Icha Icha!"[/color][i] Tch.. damned old-man said, the art of genjutsu is more than making illusion, it's all about wordplay, fuck you, dad, I don't even use genjutsu...I CAN AT LEAST TALK SMACK WITH MATSUOKA'S BIG RACK...Good idea.[/i]