[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://d3m2ca683sarz5.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/20092136/icarly-miranda-cosgrove-shocked-main.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2) Skills: [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] Lance without a suit was something that should be fixed ASAP, as it stood now, if they had to get off this ship, Lance could be in trouble. "[color=limegreen]I'll give a call down to Earth, we'll see if there's anyway we can get a suit replacement, one minute.[/color]" With that, she started a call, hoping to connect with Tony Stark, and luckily, it she got through to him. "[color=limegreen]Mr. Stark? It's Eli- I mean Alchemy.[/color]" Eliza said, getting used to using her call sign, though it did feel a bit silly, "[color=limegreen]Lancey hulked out and trashed the suit you made, leaving us in a bit of a pickle. I don't know if there's anything you can do, but I figure if anybody could, it'd be you.[/color]" "[color=f7941d]...Wait did you just say that Lance hulked out?[/color]" Tony responded to her. In the background, she'd be able to hear someone who sounded like Bruce Banner, "[color=8dc73f]WHAT?![/color]" Eliza paused for a moment, but said, "[color=limegreen]That's right, it surprised all of us too, but we dealt with the situation well enough, he's back to normal now. Everybody is fine though, more or less.[/color]" "[color=f7941d]Okay, well that definitely is a good thing, hold on one second,[/color]" Tony said, before she would be able to hear him essentially repeat those words to someone else (probably Banner in an attempt to calm him down). Eliza thought for a moment, hoping Banner wasn't about to freak out back on Earth. "[color=limegreen]If you - Do you want me to put Lance on? I'm sure we'd all appreciate him learning a thing or two about this, hulks and pressurized cabins don't mix well, and I'm sure Doctor Banner might appreciate hearing about it directly from him.[/color]" "[color=f7941d]Uh no. The ship first of all is way too big for that sort of thing for him to be able to destroy it... Umm... Not sure what you guys can really do about that sort of thing now anyway...[/color]" Eliza had been more concerned about the prospect of eventually getting Lance home, and him hulking out on the way back, but in any case, it sounded like there wasn't much that could be done. "[color=limegreen]That's about what I figured, yeah. Well, if there's nothing that can be done, we'll have to see what we can do with the resources we have. Thanks Mr. Stark.[/color]" "[color=f7941d]No problem.[/color]" And with that, Eliza ended the call. "[color=limegreen]We're on our own for finding a suit, Lance you uh, might wanna talk to talk to your dad sometime.[/color]" She said awkwardly. She didn't mean to break to break to news to Doctor Banner on his behalf, but it seems like she did. "[color=limegreen]It was my bad, honestly, I didn't think he'd be right there next to Mr.Stark, I'm sorry.[/color]" She flashed an apologetic smile, and run her hand through her hair, giving it a little bit of a twirl.