Okay, so I may have to postpone the post for the OOC to a little later this week as my Co-GMs weekend suddenly got more busy than normal. However, in the meantime, I can make decisions on what we have going on here so far. [@Clever Hans] I feel like this would be better if this were for a more Gotham centralized RP, but having a creeper on the squad doesn't quite fit to me. Appreciate your interest though. [quote=@mattmanganon] Alright, here's my pitch: [hider=Lantern]Name: Martin Wheeler Age: 16 Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ZVPzQf.png[/img] Powers: Gold Lantern Ring (Can create any construct that he wishes. The power of his constructs increases in power based on the fear of his opponents.) History: A kid, living on the streets of Coast City, going from foster home to foster home. Til one day, he was ran into a group of thugs attacking another homeless man... Naturally, just being a kid on the streets, he got his shit royally pushed in. A Green Lantern ring was attracted to his bravery. He won and was found by police because he had abandoned his previous foster home. His next foster was a man called Thomas Sinestro who revealed that he was "The Gold Lantern" and that his team had recently been slaughtered in a battle with a dangerous being called "Mongul" and his team was the "7 Lanterns" Green, Red, Gold, Blue, Indigo, Star Sapphire and Orange. Thomas and Martin spent the next few months working together across Earth, in secret, recruiting the other 5 Lanterns. After they recruited the 7th Lantern, Mongul and War World arrived on Earth. The Lanterns fought him and were defeated again, but weren't killed. As Mongul gloated over their victory, Sinestro told the others that they could combine their powers to turn one of them into the legendary White Lantern. They agreed to make Sinestro the White Lantern, as the most experienced of them. The White Lantern ring appeared and slipped onto Sinestro's finger, the Gold ring slipping off and he easily despatched Mongul... It was then that Sinestro's true colour was revealed. Sinestro turned on the other Lanterns, easily dispatching them. All he ever wanted was the White Lantern power and he let them know it. Picking up Mongul, he prepared to depart with War World in tow. The greatest power in the universe and the most powerful warship in the universe, his power was absolute. Martin, in a fit of rage, launched one final attack on Sinestro. He was easily defeated as the Green Lantern ring, sensing Martins thirst for blood, abandoned him. Dropping off and heading to the stars. As Sinestro ascended, the last thing he saw on Earth was Martin staring at him. "No matter where you go, no matter how powerful you think you are... I am going to find you and I am GOING to kill you..." And the look in his eyes... The look that pierced straight through Sinestro's soul and for a second, he felt a twinge of fear of this boy. The other Lanterns decided to go after Sinestro, but couldn't take Martin with them. After they left, Martin was broken, forced back onto the streets, but determined to help in any way they could. As he saw someone in trouble again, he was about to turn away, but then remembered... He was a hero. He wasn't going to turn away. This time as he stood, confident and proud, the goons still came for him, but instead of the Green ring finding him, the Gold ring found him. [color=Gold]"Martin Wheeler, you are able to instill fear in even the most cold and villainously evil. Speak our oath and join our ranks."[/color] and the next thing he knew, he was the new defender of earth. the new Gold Lantern.[/hider] [/quote] So, the curious case about this. I always thought the concept of a teen lantern is interesting, however, this route doesn't really make much sense to me. His backstory doesn't really fit the context of this RP. His powers are reliant on the fear of others, he'd be a little too reliant on NPCs and other players in a way that isn't really fair. Furthermore, with all that Sinestro has been through, it doesn't make sense that he'd be afraid of some kid from Coast City. Then, even if he did, I'd doubt he'd give Martin powers. Plus, being a lantern from the sinestro corps would make him evil, which is counterintuitive to the purpose of the team. I appreciate your interest, but I can't accept this 'gold' lantern. [quote=@Dnafein] [Hider=My idea] Name: Zaknyrr “Zak” Auvryrret Call Sign: Daeva Age: 19 Sex: Male Race: Daevathan [hider=Description:] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/1a/a7/361aa7477faf3e2c73ae6ec2d819c1d5.jpg[/img] Zak is 1.88 meters of solid muscle. Beneath his crimson skin are minor bone protrusions that give him a demon-like appearance. His golden eyes have a faint glow to them. Zak’s hair is a dark deep red in color.[/hider] Powers: [hider=Teleportation] Zaknyrr has the ability to move near instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. When Zak “surges” a shadowform appears at the target destination. The further the distance traveled the longer the shadow lasts, anything within 100 meters the shadow lasts for a microsecond; A kilometer (the furthest Zak has traveled) the shadow lasts about .5 seconds. [/hider] [hider=Telepathy] Daevathan have a latent telepathic talent. Their abilities evolve from this latent ability. Those Daevathan whose talent evolves into a physical ability (i.e. Teleportation, Strength, Speed, etc) this ability allows them to resist telepathic invasion, and to skim languages enabling them to understand others.[/hider] Skills: [hider=Swordmanship] From the moment he was old enough to hold his first training blade Zaknyrr was sculpted into a blademaster. He had yet to earn the title in the fourteen years he has used a sword. While he has not been granted the title of master, Zak is extremely proficient with a sword; Perhaps good enough to bear the title. He is able to flawlessly use his sword skills in conjunction with his teleportation abilities.[/hider] [hider=Darei training] The last seven years of his life Zak has been trained and made use of the skills of the Darei, scouts and assassins. He uses his teleportation skills to aid his stealth. Zak is also able to follow tracks. [/hider] [hider=Hrangar] Hrangar is the name of a Daevathan martial art. This form of unarmed combat is designed to assist a sword wielder should he find himself disarmed. Zak hasn't practiced this art as much as he probably should have.[/hider] Weapons: [hider=Sword] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/6d7f/th/pre/f/2016/153/b/8/g_force_s_adamantium_photon_power_samurai_swords_by_solgravionmegazord-d8vrofz.jpg[/img] Shardorel is Zaknyrr’s Alaesa, his soul. The blade bears the name of the first member of Zak’s house to wield the blade. This means that the weapon means as much to Zak as his own life. It is forged from Ghobalt, an alloy from his own dimension, it is stronger than titanium. And has a current that runs through the edge heating it and making cutting easier. In the hilt is an gravity propulsion device and navigation computer making the weapon summonable by Zaknyrr’s gauntlet. The weapon can only be summoned when the signal is sent within 200 meters. The sword travels around most solid objects, avoiding anything it can not burst through. [/hider] Equipment: [hider=Armor] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/0fe8/i/2009/010/1/3/drow_specialist_by_sharpener.jpg[/img] Zaknyrr wears his Cosan leather armor. The armor is cut, and element resistant; Zak discovered after his arrival in this dimension that the armor is bullet resistant, similar to kevlar.[/hider] [hider=Mask] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/cf2d/i/2013/252/b/f/lion_of_the_wind_half_mask_metallic_by_mostlymade-d6lngy6.jpg[/img] Zak wears his Kiseran into battle. A kiseran bears the design of his family and marks him as a member of a noble house. The mask is also made of gholbalt.[/hider] [hider=Biography:] Being the 78th in line for head of his household meant that the youth needed no training in management of a house. So Zak had a typical childhood for a low ranking member of the noble caste. From the earliest possible moment he was trained for various forms of combat. Every game he was taught, every story he was told involved conflict. He received the same basic education as every other Daevathan child between drills and exercises. On the day of his Gadou, the procedure that grants a noble their ability, Zaknyrr was given Shardorel. From the first moment he saw the blade, Zak treasured the sword. He excitedly completed the bonding ceremony, tying his soul to the weapon. After awakening days after the Gadou the youth was mildly disappointed he hadn't become a Nai, the soldier class. However after learning to control his ability to surge Zak came to love his position as a Darei. Since his Gadou at the age of 12, Zak has seen battle many times; He has even survived Gaihar, assassination, missions deep in hostile territory. His proudest moments however were those times that he protected his home from attackers. It was one such event that lead to the young Daevathan becoming stranded on Earth. While pursuing an enemy Nai, Zak surged whilst a strange red and blue shockwave rippled through the forest. Assaulted by a brighter world the young Auvryrret found himself near some ruins in what he later discovered was Macedonia. Unfortunately the differences in culture and language caused the Darei to engage the local constabulary. Fortunately an elder with great skill and patience appeared and brought things to a reasonable and calm ending. This hero took Zak with her someplace where he can learn and become familar with his new world. [hider=Racial information] [b]Genre:[/b] Sci fi/Fantasy [b]Species Name:[/b] Daevathan [b]Homeland:[/b] Their world is darker than our own. The landscape varies similarly to Earth’s, except for sudden abrupt changes. Rhiad’s flora and fauna are hearty species, plants and creatures capable of surviving a global disaster. Though no where on the planet exists a biome that is over a thousand years old. [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] Daevathan are a bipedal two armed species similar to humans. Their skin tone is various shades of crimson. The color of their hair run the full gamut, from white to black; They lean towards dark red over brown however. Beneath their skin are bone protrusions which afford them a demonic appearance. [b]Lore:[/b] Around nine hundred years ago the nations of Rhiad were in a global war. At some point an order was given and weapons of mass destruction were used. What one nation did the others had to do in order to attempt survival. The world was unable to survive the devastation; And so the planet revolted. The earth shattered and the seas boiled, and civilization collapsed. The survivors struggled to endure in this hostile new world; For a hundred years they fought their world, a hundred years they toiled against the elements. They adapted their technologies to aid in survival, and yet through it all their war continued. Only it was no longer a war of nations but a war for survival. And then she appeared. Where she walked the flora bloomed, and food was plentiful. When she spoke the people put down their weapons and listened. Her words were the diagram for a future, a future in which their people could live. This future meant changes for their species. Guns, bombs, and the weapons of the Cataclysm were forbidden. They were the creation of evil, with the intent to destroy the world and steal the soul of the people. A world without conflict however was a world that could not evolve, but conflict could be limited. Her teachings spread and she united her people. As the first Empress she created the civilization that exists today. She created the nobility, those who could lead their people into their safer future. They would need strength, they would need intelligence and they would need to be honorable. And so they would fight an unending war. The peasantry, those who would pay the highest price in any war, were exempt from combat. There could be no conscriptions, there would be no civilian casualties. The populace lived in a virtual utopia, as the problems that plagued the plagued the old world were solved. The nobility lived in a state of constant war, the strongest and smartest houses survived; Dynasties rose and fell, but the Daevathan prospered. [b]Technology Level:[/b] The technologies adapted for survival were again adapted. Technologies that could be adapted for civilian sciences flourished. Disease and starvation were words from the stories of the Aftermath. Clean energy sources power their worlds and they have spread throughout their solar system. The nobility sent their technologies down a different path. Blades became the weapon of choice, and a way of life. Their technology was not focused on just improving their weapons but their warriors as well. The nobles began to genetically alter their members. A catalyst is administered to members as they reach adulthood. Their latent telepathic abilities are than transformed into something more, along with their eyes. An adult nobles eye color determines their abilities and position in the forces of their house. Golden eyes mark them as Darei; They serve as scouts, assassins and spies. A darei’s abilities are related to agility, the most common is teleportation though superspeed is not unheard of. Red eyes are worn by those of strength. These Nai serve as soldiers, and typically are granted super strength, increased durability or healing abilities. Souvra are the blue eyed nobles, their telepathic abilities are exponential increased. They serve as military commanders, using their abilities to give orders instantaneously to any position on the battlefield. [b]Society structures:[/b] Daevathan are a feudal society, broken into castes. The majority of the population are the peasantry, they serve their world and are thus protected from its horrors. They are kept from the constant conflict the nobility are embroiled in, and they provide supplies to the houses. The nobility fight a perpetual war, creating stronger and smarter leaders to ensure their civilization grows and thrives. They battle for the right to rule, the imperial house can be challenged for the throne. This ensures that the Daevathan are ruled by the best possible leader. To safeguard the conflict it is explicitly forbidden to destroy any house. This exemption has been lifted only once. The house destroyed was erased from history because they entered combat using weapons of the soulless, firearms. [/hider] [/hider][/hider] [/quote] So this has a ton of detail thrown into it, and I do like it despite having some low key irrelevant information. However, the only thing I'd mention to be careful of, is the race's form of telepathy. I would need to be able to trust that you're responsible enougn to balance it and not make it a RP/story breaking ability. Otherwise, I'd say that he'd be [b][i][u]Accepted.[/u][/i][/b] [quote=@Divine Darkness] [hider=Princess of the Seven Seas] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KYvVjQW.jpg[/img][/center] [color=9932CC][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Princess V'Nala[/indent] [color=9932CC][b][u]Alias:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Allure[/indent] [color=9932CC][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=9932CC][b][u]Sex:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=9932CC][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]V'Nala stands at approximately 5'10" (177 cm). Tall and slender she has the build of a supermodel yet her homo-mermanus genetics makes her so much more than just a pretty face. Her hair is dark and silky usually worn down past her shoulders towards the middle of her back. Her eyes as as blue as a pristine ocean tide. V'Nala's skin tone appears to be that of a well tanned Caucasian, and her lips are pink and full. [hider=costume][img]http://i.imgur.com/Km33V3I.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [hr][hr] [color=9932CC][b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][color=1E90FF][b]Powers[/b][/color] [u][color=008B8B]Homo-Mermanus Physiology[/color][/u] - Homo-Mermanus are an offshoot of humanity that is biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. For most them, this means that they can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and can only spend a very limited time out of water. Many also possess superhuman levels of strength, speed, endurance and durability, all by-products of their bodies being adapted to survive unprotected in the tremendous pressures of the ocean depths. Although other underwater dwellers possess similar adaptations, V'Nala's royal lineage makes her a super-Xebelian as well as super-human, and as such she has greater physical capabilities than does a typical citizen of Xebel.[list] [*][color=008B8B]Amphibious Nature[/color] - as an Xebelean, V'nala can breath underwater and on land. She can be immersed indefinitely without suffering any ill effects but being super-Xebelean due to her royal lineage, she can survive on land longer than an average homo-mermanus. This length can be extended by the humidity in the atmosphere but eventually prolonged dehydration will weaken her thus she must return to aquatic enviroment at various period. [*][color=008B8B]Enhanced Senses[/color] - V'Nala's senses of hearing and smell are several times more acute than a normal human-being, but not on the level of a Kryptonian. Her ability to see in the murky depths of the ocean allows her exceptional night vision while on land. [*][color=008B8B]Superhuman Durability[/color] - V'Nala is durable enough to resist small arms fire with minor injuries as well as to survive the temperatures and pressures of the deepest parts of the ocean. [*][color=008B8B]Superhuman Reflexes & Speed[/color] - V'Nala is as quick as a fish. On land she can move at just above peak human speed running at roughly 35 to 40mph. While in the water she can reach a speed of about 155mph. [*][color=008B8B]Superhuman Stamina[/color] - She can travel and maintain a speed of 155mph in the water for up to four hours. [*][color=008B8B]Superhuman Strength[/color] - V'Nala's strength is superior to the average Xebelian and Atlantean allowing her to lift up to 15 tons. [/list] [u][color=008B8B]Telepathy (limited)[/color][/u] - As with her mother, Hila, V'Nala possesses a limited degree of telepathy, which allows her to communicate with other Xebelian & Atlantean beings. [u][color=008B8B]Siren Song[/color][/u] - V'Nala is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards her.[list] [*][color=008B8B]Lure[/color] - V'Nala can create a beacon that draws those perceiving it or only the one targeted towards her. This ability is irresistible, forcefully causing the target or targets to come even closer. She may target one specific person up to 100ft away or up to ten people within a 30 foot diameter.[/list] [/indent] [hr] [indent][color=1E90FF][b]Skills[/b][/color] [u][color=008B8B]Diving & Swimming[/color][/u] [u][color=008B8B]Combat[/color][/u] - The Princess of Xebel has had some combat training. V'Nala is trained in some hand to hand as well as the use of a sword and a spear. [u][color=008B8B]Multilingual[/color][/u] - V'Nala speaks Atlantean/Xebelian, American English and Spanish.[/indent] [hr] [indent][color=1E90FF][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color] [u][color=008B8B]Water Deprivation[/color][/u] - V'Nala must return to water after a period of time or she will weaken. [u][color=008B8B]Siren Song[/color][/u] - V'nala's siren song will, of course, not work on the deaf or hearing impaired. It will only work on intelligent humanoids who can hear her and understand the words she says/sings. Trained and powerful psychics may be able to resist this ability as well. [u][color=008B8B]Superiority[/color][/u] - She believes her people to not only be superior to humans, but Atlanteans as well. [u][color=008B8B]Temper, Temper[/color][/u] - Much like her aunt, Mera, V'Nala has anger management issues which could be used against her by her more crafty enemies.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=9932CC][b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]For a number of centuries the underwater kingdom of Xebel had managed to keep itself hidden from the world. Once long ago, the two kingdoms were one as a part of the greater continent of Atlantis. In fact, Poseidonis was a city-state while Xebel was more of a prison state where much of the corrupt nobles and many of the criminal element made its home. Ten thousand years ago (give or take) a giant skull-shaped meteor crashed near the North Sea and caused the destruction of the great Atlantis. Atlantis' mages and scientists frantically worked to save their people. Most would perish. But, some would survive under the sea. A serum was developed for the people of Poseidonis allowing to adapt and turn amphious. That same serum was magically altered and transformed the people of the former city-state of Tritonis into mer-people. Xebel was the destroyed during the Great Deluge, or so the other survivors thought. After the Great Flood, Xebel sank like many of the other city-states. Like the others mages did their best to save their people (and especially themselves). Not only did its people turn amphibious like those Poseidonis but the city became, for lack of a better term, invisible. Unseen and undetectable Xebel lived in relative peace underneath what the surface dwellers would call the Bermuda Triangle. Around the beginning 20th century Atlanteans would discover a weak spot in Xebel's defenses. Believing this spot or portal lead to another dimension, citizens of Poseidonis would begin exiling their criminals by sending them through the portal. Tis would go on and off for a century or so. Occasionally, a Xebelian would use the portal to leave their city for a variety of reasons. When they discovered Poseidonis had survived and was thriving those reasons often included wicked intent. It wasn't until the early 21st century that Xebel's existence became fully known to Poseidonis when war was declared. During this time it was also dicovered that Mera, Aquaman's wife was in fact from Xebel. Aquaman and Poseidonis would win the war yet tensions remain high to do this day. The vast majority of humankind is unaware that Xebel exists nor that Xebel and Poseidonis are separate, rival kingdoms. V'Nala is the daughter of Hila (better known as Siren to Poseidonis and the Justice League) and niece of Queen Mera. [/indent] [hr][hr] [color=9932CC][b][u]Notes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Homo-Mermanus is actually a Marvel term, but since there are underwater humanoids that live outside of Atlantis I thought the term fitting. [*]V'Nala is [b]not[/b] a mermaid. [/list] [url=https://youtu.be/8lqPyS1exh8]Music[/url][/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Very interesting. Aquababe is [b][i][u]Accepted.[/u][/i][/b] [quote=@Polaris North] [hider=Unstable Speedster] [center][h2][b][color=004b80]B L I T Z[/color][/b][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ATxTTuQ.jpg?1[/img] [i][color=004b80]"You can't really blame me for playing around, can you?"[/color][/i][/center][hr][center][h3][b][color=004b80]B A S I C S[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr] [color=004b80][b]Name:[/b][/color] Janus Darrel Heathcliffe [color=004b80][b]Nicknames:[/b][/color] Jan, Rel [color=004b80][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=004b80][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=004b80][b]Species:[/b][/color] Human [color=004b80][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Student | Lab Rat [hr][center][h3][b][color=004b80]P S Y C H O L O G I C A L[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr] [color=004b80][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Janus is an energetic lad. Even before he tapped into the speed force, he was already a ball of pure energy. Always on the move, always itching to do something and always with a smile on his face, he can either be very annoying or very fun to be around with. He's a very active person in any event - be it in school, in sports or in the household. Due to his hyperactivity, getting him to agree to do things for you is very easy. He isn't gullible, but he likes helping people out. He is a naturally curious person who wants to try anything and everything. When presented with a task that he hasn't learned yet, he would go above and beyond to learn about it and be able to execute it. Janus is hardworking when something begins to interest him but it also means that he can get a one-track mind. One can say that he can get a little too obsessed with something. This can lead to either a breakthrough for him or a completely devastating accident. For the case of his speed force, both. [color=004b80][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Helping, Learning, Experiments, Games, Sports, Physical activity [color=004b80][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Trickery, Silence, Isolation [hr][center][h3][b][color=004b80]B A C K S T O R Y[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr] Janus had led a relatively normal life. With both of his parents working, he usually spent his time alone in the house. This had led him to obsessively watch things over the internet, to hear about the superheroes and the supervillains as they battle. He was a big fan of the superheroes and even the vigilantes - so much so that he often begs for his parents to take him to places where they would appear. Sometimes it was at the museums dedicated to a certain superhero and sometimes it would be at interviews. He wanted to be just like them, but unfortunately, he was not born with any powers. But his parents told him - if you want to be like them, then he should be a helpful and kind person. Even if he didn't have any powers, he could still change the world if he tried enough. So that's what Janus did. He began to help around to those who needed it and studied as hard as he can. It wasn't until Janus had begun to research into the Flash family. The speed force could apparently be gained artificially. There it was! An opportunity! And he started his research. His obsession. His parents had thought that it was entirely harmless. After all, what could an eleven-year-old do, right? Well, many things when partnered up with someone just as curious. He met a young scientist by the name of Francis Redmoore. He was a family friend and the two had begun conversing about the speed force and how to possibly acquire it. Francis wanted to be able to recreate the Flash experiment and Janus was more than happy to participate in it. Janus was a smart kid and he was able to help Francis by giving a fresh perspective to the guy. And they managed to recreate it. Unfortunately, it wasn't as successful. Janus managed to acquire the ability to use the speed force, but it was unstable. He couldn't last for as long as the Flash family could - nowhere close even. He would risk disappearing into who knows where, if he tried to use it for more than a few minutes. Francis apologized for it but Janus was content. He could work with this. He just needed to learn more about it. And that's what he did. He worked and he trained until he was able to control a concentrated part of the speed force in increments. He didn't tell his parents about it at first, he didn't want them to worry. But they found out soon enough. They had chewed Francis out for allowing such a risky experiment to happen to a young teen, but eventually, let him off because Janus was happy. It's been a three years since the incident and Janus has gone out to be a vigilante every now and then. Recently, he's caught the attention of the Flash group and he's talked to Barry Allen about the instability of his control over the speed force. He said that he'll look into fixing it and Janus was looking forward to maybe being able to control the speed force better. But for now, he was content with being able to do so much. [hr][center][h3][b][color=004b80]A B I L I T I E S[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr] [color=004b80][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=004b80][i]Superhuman Speed[/i][/color] - Utilizing the speed force, he can reach up to Mach 5 in only a few milliseconds. Due to the relatively instability of his control over the speed force, he is able to access such speed in bursts. [*][color=004b80][i]Superhuman Strength[/i][/color] - An application of the speed force, he's able to make himself achieve strength comparable to those of other heroes. Much like his speed, he can let it out in bursts. [*][color=004b80][i]Electric Generation[/i][/color] - Through the usage of the speed force, he can generate electricity to enhance his attacks. When he's experiencing emotional extremes, he accidentally creates electricity that dances across his skin. [*][color=004b80][i]Superhuman Reaction[/i][/color] - The only ability he has that is constantly activated, his senses are almost always on overdrive so that he can spot anything faster than any normal person. This allows him to react accordingly to what he perceives. [*][color=004b80][i]Superhuman Stamina[/i][/color] - To be able to keep up with the speed he goes on, the speed force has relegated for his stamina to be increased. [*][color=004b80][i]Enhanced Durablity[/i][/color] - Passively, he can withstand a few more hits than a normal human. He can also concentrate the speed force onto a certain part of him to act as a buffer to lessen the damage made on him. [/list] [color=004b80][b]Skills:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=004b80][i]Fast Learner[/i][/color] - Janus can pick up skills relatively quicker than other people due to how he spends a lot of time to become adequate in a certain task. One can call him a Jack of all Trades due to this skill. [*][color=004b80][i]Photographic Memory[/i][/color] - Janus can easily memorize what he sees even if he was only skimming it. This is very useful when it comes to studying for his tests. [*][color=004b80][i]Strategy[/i][/color] - He wouldn't be able to do much without the use of strategic positioning and attacks. With his ability to process things faster than normal, he's able to make strategies in mere seconds for him to execute. [*][color=004b80][i]Sewing[/i][/color] - He learned how to sew from his mother because he tends to rip a lot of his clothing. This leads him to be able to make his own sets of clothing as long as he has the supplies and the time to do so. [*][color=004b80][i]Mixed Martial Arts Training[/i][/color] - Janus had started out young in learning how to fight. While he is aware that most of the techniques are for non-lethal fighting, it has allowed him to physically train himself for the real deal. He knows how to take on opponents that are bigger and stronger than him. [/list] [b][color=004b80]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][list] [*][i][color=004b80]Unstable Power[/color][/i] - Janus's control over the speed force is unstable, at best. He cannot continuously use it for more than five minute in real time. If he exceeds, he is liable to be sucked in by the speed force. [*][i][color=004b80]Obsessions[/color][/i] - Janus can develop tunnel vision whenver he's presented with something he is highly interested in. He will not stop until he's managed to sate his interest or if his body collapses under the stress. [*][i][color=004b80]Range[/color][/i] - Janus needs to be able to close the distance between himself and his opponent or else he's at an extreme disadvantage. Even his electricity cannot reach farther than one foot away from him. [/list] [/hider] [/quote] Speedy the Speedster is [b][i][u]Accepted.[/u][/i][/b] Okay, so, that fills out our three spots needed with the four that we already have. However, if your sheet didn't quite make the cut, please don't be discouraged. Things do happen, and while I hope that none of our players have to drop out, should that situation occur, you guys will be the first ones I consider/contact (if you don't hold a grudge on me after this. XD). To those who this becomes relevant to, the decision has been made to make a discord for this RP. The purpose would be pretty much for story discussion with room for general chatter nd all that. When it's been built, you will be invited. You don't have to join it, but you may miss some key information. Newly anointed titans, stay tuned for Titans: Renaissance which is going to be the name of the official OOC...