[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b0/Legends_of_Runeterra_logo.png[/img] [color=tan][sup]But like, they aren’t [b]Legends[/b][/sup] ________________________[/color][/center] Basically the idea is to use the established world and lore of Runeterra and by association [u]League of Legends[/u] as a base to write a story within. The titular [b]Nobodies of Runeterra[/b] will be non-canon characters of a player’s creation, and I’m hoping they will all hail from different regions and walks of life. Ultimately these characters will need some plot device to wring them together and work towards, which I have a few storylines that I have concocted in mind. I have a thicc google document with a few days worth of development invested into this, but before I fully commit to the idea I’m in General to gauge interest— and maybe hire a Co-GM. [color=tomato]• Bastards of Bilgewater [/color] [sup]Pirates, Boats, Adventure, Splash in some Romance[/sup] [color=forestgreen]• Sverdlovsk’s Expedition to Ionia[/color] [sup]Mystery, Survival, Adventure, Splash in some Horror[/sup] [color=tan]• Runeterra’s Most Wanted [/color] [sup]The edgy route.[/sup]