[center][color=DA5844]______________________________________________________________________[/color][h1][color=DA5844]⚔ [/color][color=B8E250][u]The Little Knight[/u][/color] [color=DA5844]⚔[/color][/h1][color=DA5844]______________________________________________________________________[/color][/center] [color=2e2c2c]. . . . . .[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7KanVAZcL4]Branwen leapt up onto the tallest rock she could,[/url] her magical belt giving her a boost. Her bare, clawed feet padded softly against the stone. She put a hand above her eyes to block the sun, and with the other on her scabbard she gazed past the tents, the pavilions, the other adventurers gathered for their own quests. The young hero gazed out at those ruins, took a deep breath, then smiled wide. [color=B8E250]"This is going to be a good adventure!"[/color] she declared before leaping back down from the rock. The mouse-like little woman landed softly, her ears twitching and her whiskers bouncing with excitement. She raced on over toward the throng of adventurers, eager to lend her sword to one of the many bands. It was difficult to pick a group to align herself with... There were so many! And there were many more solo adventurers, most of them keeping to themselves, which was something Branwen would never understand. Wasn't it much safer to travel with a group? And, well... wasn't it more [i]fun?[/i] Less maddening? So, Branwen strode out through the grass, looking for the most friendly, sociable looking bunch of travelers to associate herself with. Certainly, there were some good candidates, faces she was [i]sure[/i] would turn friendly with just a smile and a wave. But the perfect group... the perfect group... There they were: a dwarf in mail, a black-robed wizard, and a silver-haired priestess, all nodding to one another and just about to plunge into the Forgotten Ruins. Clearly they were experienced, but they also had honest looks to them. Happily, Branwen ran on up behind them. The weremouse cleared her throat, and they turned in unison to face her. [color=B8E250]"Excuse me but a moment!"[/color] the young knight called in her lilting voice. She puffed her chest out and bowed. [color=B8E250]"Perchance you would care for another blade to be lent to your enterprise? I am Branwen Burrows, knight of Brel-"[/color] Then the dwarf began to snort. The wizard began to laugh. The priestess covered her mouth. Branwen's ear twitched. [color=B8E250]"Branwen Burrows,"[/color] she repeated, nonplussed, speaking a little more nervously. [color=B8E250]"Knight of Brelan-"[/color] "[i]You're[/i] a knight?" the dwarf asked, cheeks turning red with amusement. "You? [i]Really?[/i]" Branwen frowned. [color=B8E250]"Well, not [i]technically.[/i] At least, not yet! But I was squired to-"[/color] "Oh, sweetie," the priestess said, smiling gently and leaning on forward. "We're- I'm sure you're quite capable, but..." "But we don't need pretender knights to help us," the wizard said plainly. "Run along, little mouse. Find some cheese." As the dwarf let out a hearty laugh, slapping his wizard friend on the back, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PPG3sV19-Y]Branwen stood there with a look of shock on her face.[/url] Really, they had- they had looked so friendly! But the priestess just smiled in what [i]might[/i] have been an apologetic manner and followed after her two companions as they headed through one of the gates into the ruins. The chubby little warrior clutched her hand tightly about her sword's scabbard, and she heaved out an angry, weary sigh. She paced, stepping away from the entryway, watching as the trio went on in by themselves. They were out of sight soon enough. Whatever was in there... Branwen wasn't [i]stupid.[/i] She knew she couldn't just go in alone. It wasn't smart! And she'd always worked better alongside others. Why, she was incredibly helpful! She was... she was good with a sword, and she knew tactics well enough! And, and- With yet another sigh, the cursed littleling sat herself down on an old, broken column near the ruins. She chewed irritably on her knuckles and stared over at the ruins, thumping her bare feet against the cold stone underneath her. The young warrior needed a moment to think. She scratched at her neck. It really [i]was[/i] unlikely that she would be able to find someone to take her with them. People tended not to think highly of littlelings in the first place. Tiny, mouse-looking people seemed to be regarded even [i]less[/i] highly. Branwen thought about it. There was no way around it: she would just have to go into the ruins alone herself. Maybe she would find someone else that needed help. She was sneaky, after all, and could always lend someone a hand! There was no more mulling over such thoughts. Branwen hopped to her feet again, gripped her scabbard tightly, and put the sea of grass and tents behind her. A resolute firmness filled her cheeks as she took her first steps into the ruins.